Tour: World Jam
Song played from tapeMetamorphosis Two(Philip Glass song)
(with "Save It for Later" tag)
(Pink Floyd cover) (Partial)
(with "W.M.A." and "It's Ok/Está tudo bem" by Dead Moon tags)
(with "We Belong Together" tag)
- Encore:
(John Lennon cover)
(Pink Floyd cover)
(with "Seven Nation Army" tag)
(Neil Young cover) (with Jack White)
Note: "Lightning Bolt" was written on the setlist after "Imagine" but not played. “Yellow Ledbetter” was listed as an option to close the show, but was also not played. Total time: 2h 8min (23:30 - 1:38)
Edits and Comments
45 activities (last edit by Blad514, 3 Oct 2021, 03:27 Etc/UTC)
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