Pearl Jam Setlist at Safeco Field, Seattle, WA, USA
Tour: The Home X Away Shows
Song played from tapeAye Davanita
(Pink Floyd cover)
(Chris Cornell cover) (live debut by PJ)
(with "W.M.A" and "It's Ok" tags)
- Encore:
(Tom Petty cover) (EV solo)
(with "Save It for Later" (The English Beat) tag)
(Mother Love Bone cover)
(MC5 cover) (with Kim Thayil)
(with "Fernando" (ABBA) snippet. Stopped after first verse and started over)
- Encore 2:
(Victoria Williams cover) (with "Paint It Black" tag)
(The Who cover)
Note: "Let Me Sleep" was on the setlist, but was replaced with "Better Man". Total time: 3h 26min (20:33 - 23:59)
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79 activities (last edit by kaz_usa, 12 May 2023, 14:39 Etc/UTC)
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Pearl Jam Gig Timeline
Aug 10 2018Safeco Field This Setlist Seattle, WA, USA Start time: 8:30 PM8:30 PM
484 people were there
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