Tour: 2022 North American Tour
Song played from tapeThe Greatest(Cat Power song)
(band congratulated Sue Bird and introduced Venus and Serena Williams)
(with "Chaise Longue" by Wet Leg tag)
(with "Save It for Later" by The Beat tag)
(Mother Love Bone cover) (with "Tiny Dancer" by Elton John intro; first time played since 2016)
(Dead Boys cover) (band thanked the first responders)
- Encore:
(Prince cover)
(Neil Young cover) (with Chad Smith)
(John Stafford Smith & Francis Scott Key cover) (Mike McCready solo, on the 21st anniversary of 9/11)
Note: "River Cross" was on written setlist, but not played. "Sad", "Faithfull" and "Corduroy" were listed on the written setlist as options, but were not played.
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55 activities (last edit by kfinch, 6 Nov 2022, 21:03 Etc/UTC)
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Pearl Jam Gig Timeline
Sep 11 2022Madison Square Garden This Setlist New York, NY, USA Start time: 9:05 PM9:05 PM
292 people were there
- 88_keys
- AceCool
- Acromley
- adgirlFL
- adrew71
- afoster76
- Ag21000
- amorgy
- amr1001
- AnCatDubh
- Andiamo93
- ArtDirla
- awey1981
- Bac0ncheez
- bat2144
- bcolton1
- Bednarz42
- belleviedmv
- benhagendorf
- BFD715
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- Blake29
- bmanzo
- bmarsh76
- bmjones1987
- bosox555
- BossJonze
- boxknox
- brainofjimjam
- Brainofjnw
- bub0316
- butthole
- cbrownbrown27
- CD1083
- Ceith98
- ChickPhilA
- Chierchie
- ChinLin
- CJ1219
- CJammer
- cmags77
- cochise23
- codea
- cooper18c
- CopperTom
- Corbett
- Cruz1177
- crwolf
- D-McGowan
- damato3523
- damipet77
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- fb:1183363828
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- fosters9
- gibchapman
- Gig_Guru
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- Gramsey6
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- HeidiMcVedder
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- Hrardon50
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- iamloco724
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- kuruc753
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- lea7herman
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- Lisa2112
- Lizabelle1217
- lukin33
- lvazquez25
- MacSetanico
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- mbj76
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- medelnuts
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- mirazakiphoto
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- Mlattanzio4842
- morphius1019
- MSlatt4089
- MwellNYC
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- Nichols1088
- nickah99
- njshawn
- nkarch33
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- Nyc2dream
- NYCane99
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- oledirtyasian
- pagsman
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- parvon
- PatrickEspey
- pdumoulin
- PearlJamming
- PennyLane
- pffflllbbbbtttt
- philmadden1
- pjam74
- PJmouse494
- Pjpitt89
- pjtourkid
- PM11
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- Ramsey60
- ratones
- raymanjr1
- Rd127
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- rooter09
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- SatelliteSkin
- scdisalvo
- sdjetsfan
- seankegoe2
- seanmcgl
- Setmaster2000
- Setmaster2001
- shad0ws
- shadyshall
- ShawnGuy
- Sibidy7
- sjflorio
- Skimikec
- Sober2002
- squintingtosee
- StevieB4136
- stiv41
- suz321
- sweetey27
- Tackle66
- tapags723
- Tash7180
- tcab2880
- terryo1127
- thehypogecko
- TheRockMan
- thesellman
- thisisnotforyou
- ThreeLibras
- threesunrises
- Tomsab2
- totalsellout
- Traxx76
- trebmal
- Trksets
- trudovic
- tsliney
- TullyNY20
- Tyengo
- u2zookeeper
- ukj69
- VDisplayPower
- vedderfan02
- Vedderman23
- Weird74
- wendyj
- werejoe
- wildest
- Wperry66
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