Tour: Dark Matter World Tour
(with Pink Floyd's "Another Brick in the Wall (Part 2)" tag)
(with Sleater Kinney's “Modern Girl“ tag)
(tour debut; requested by and with thanks to Howard Stern)
(with Andrew Watt)
(with Andrew Watt)
- Encore:
(Little Steven cover) (tour debut; Eddie solo)
(Eddie and Josh)
(Glen Hansard cover) (with Glen Hansard)
(John Lennon cover)
(Dead Boys cover) (tour debut)
Note: "Red Mosquito" was on the setlist but was replaced with "Glorified G".
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51 activities (last edit by allenz, 23 Sep 2024, 18:27 Etc/UTC)
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Pearl Jam Gig Timeline
Sep 04 2024Madison Square Garden This Setlist New York, NY, USA Start time: 8:55 PM8:55 PM
211 people were there
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