Pierce the Veil Setlist at Fenway Park, Boston, MA, USA
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5 activities (last edit by Polarized, 24 Jul 2024, 00:02 Etc/UTC)
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Pierce the Veil Gig Timeline
Jul 23 2024Fenway Park This Setlist Boston, MA, USA Start time: 7:15 PM7:15 PM
47 people were there
- Adam200747
- anamaymad
- bafirebat
- barnable
- Bassenjoyer7
- bmwplayback
- bunbunava
- calebrobi9
- capacraimi
- catatthedisco
- cmlevin
- CoyoteLab
- crappypunkrock
- crb1
- danmcdaniels
- elast0127
- Esty
- FetteJava
- focaccia4ever
- Generator8481
- grobo555
- HeatherJo
- jaredchazelton
- jgbuttricksr
- JordanDavis
- Joshuadorin
- Judelaf0
- KeiserX13
- kobylafata
- kodiak78
- LaffyTaffy_123
- lunabell512
- masong
- megansweeney23
- naterogers
- nprism
- Petro83
- Polarized
- scottsurette
- sergeantscruffy
- SilberROCK
- siligifi
- SkeetSock
- SomethingPhishy
- Tehgirlnextd00r
- Truth2099
- Weezy2weezy
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