Pitty Setlist at Cidade do Rock, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Edits and Comments
16 activities (last edit by leglessmoof, 21 Mar 2024, 00:23 Etc/UTC)
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Pitty Gig Timeline
161 people were there
- _EduardoC
- acho_digno
- al_karol
- alexneundorf
- AlvarengaThiago
- amadeuvf
- Ana_Carolina
- anacastanho
- andradelis
- andrecorgo
- astigarraga
- augustobt
- Bedele
- beyondthedepth
- bolovoman
- bressin
- brrsm
- bruba
- Bruna_
- brunoassis91
- camilanf
- carlitomonteiro
- carlosljunior
- Cilomar
- cilomarf
- ClaudioFonzi
- Clmatos14
- CyberCIC
- dacdiego
- dan_sva
- Dardano
- davidjozef
- DayanaCardoso
- diegorocha
- digust10
- dinhaz
- DmitryPedroti
- douglaasp
- DPedroti_FFC
- drewruiz
- drf1223
- dropl3t
- drpingo
- edufig
- ellenartie
- EltonLuciano
- Esmeraldino
- fabionunes
- fallenangelmxw
- felipepuziol
- feliperocha
- felipevg
- fepas
- filipealmeida02
- Fla_Carvalho
- Flavi
- fmachado091
- fossachiara
- Fraga
- fredkid
- GabiViaceli
- gabrielxavier
- gameboycolor
- gdbrasil25
- Gids
- gilbertogne
- GTMetal
- guelfus
- Guiartz
- httpbruce
- hyder
- iannvarella
- igorjl
- itsaboutskull
- itsallaboutrock
- jaxoldlady_
- Jeffcy
- JimRenato
- joanadresch
- Junai00
- kassiafelix
- Kenia
- laaiss_
- Lelo
- LeonardoMF
- lfmallet
- lipe182
- ljsepulveda
- lualine
- lucasbelchior
- LucasDSDC
- lucastardust
- lufportela
- luguinacinovic
- luifavero
- Luizfsantiago
- m3lvins
- maculan27
- maieta
- Mandy_
- Mansuricato
- marcelovmusic
- marimello
- maritramontina
- markuz
- marline
- Martinezjpo
- maryakira
- mateuskbs
- mateuskbsoares
- matheusberg
- MatheusPalmieri
- matizealves
- mfrafael
- mituips
- Mr_A7X
- Murras
- oieusouobixo
- padronrock
- paulocoutofaria
- pedroheenriique
- philippanchieta
- philsf
- Proto
- rafaelgmotta
- remarch78
- renanlynx
- rlonghi
- ROck3r
- RodolfoFranca
- RodrigoGrld
- rodrigosousarj
- savio
- servulo
- shadowmaru
- smodked
- sofiainthesky
- sylviashinoda
- TaaatiA7x
- tconz
- thaylonnogueira
- TheaterOfDreams
- thekaustik
- thiago_lobo
- thiagoa
- thigoap
- tiago_pepper
- tiagojsn
- Trepinha
- tsbandeira
- Ulysses_Sena
- vb_setlist
- vdsemanuel
- vgui
- Vinnie69
- vitorlp
- wendelwonka
- WillTurisas
- xdvl
- yas7
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