Radiohead Setlist at Empire Polo Club, Indio, CA, USA
Tour: The King of Limbs
- Encore:
(With "After The Gold Rush" intro)
- Encore 2:
Edits and Comments
48 activities (last edit by bendobrin, 20 May 2019, 04:52 Etc/UTC)
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Radiohead Gig Timeline
246 people were there
- __cristina
- aaliveshere
- acreuben
- adamantmusic
- adrnathms
- afelling
- afullearth
- ajmann27
- alexcompean
- alfredoguevarag
- alternapop
- andreasays
- Andrej
- Aphxtwinin
- apierce
- Archibeque24
- Arfhound
- azcat92
- B_Smiley
- badseed333
- bankrobber
- barnabywallace
- bawf22
- Benjamin42
- bethchella
- BigBoots02
- BillyFever
- billyZduke
- BlazinNathan
- bluesomewhere
- briankelly1015
- brookewied
- Bsimms
- caitlinblumer
- calicanuck
- capitalCP
- christianxrojas
- Cmsavill
- coffeewaz
- Credolph
- crink182
- Crombrenner
- CSims39
- dailyvinyl
- daleanibbe
- danapac
- danielniku
- deb1edeb
- Debaser13567
- delynnium
- discoprincess
- Doc_McCoy
- doglaw
- donpotenza
- doodlesquiggle
- Dp33
- Duffy88
- DWall45
- eatapeach10
- El_Milagro
- elblueblazer
- ellikki
- elpinchetorres
- emshelle
- entheogen111
- ephusball
- epm1103
- Ereckless84
- erictwelve
- Evan
- fauxxskittles
- fb:9500556
- FestivalsFest
- Figueredoo
- flight815
- Flyinglessons
- frankles
- fruer
- galactic13
- gardenfresh
- gibbo
- godthizza
- grantruby
- GreetDeath
- GrezMSU
- Hawkinsj01
- hellabryan
- hobomilitia
- hymbe2
- iammiker
- imightbewrong12
- IndieSongADay
- ioannis112
- irinasps
- jabberbox
- jacobcohl
- jakelicious
- Jaketart
- janakusalova
- jasper_wk
- JBoicourt1
- jdegaray1
- Jenkums88
- Jhale162
- jhamilton2005
- jharris94110
- Jimijam
- jkolinsky
- Jlandyj
- JMatt227
- johnphodge
- JoshGarrett
- jpdyank
- Jrnash52
- kaiser_chiefs
- Kampy
- karpediem
- Kavanaugh
- kbblack
- kelseyjperry
- keuilian
- kevboard
- Kgwildcat
- KidAmnesiac02
- kingmadmat
- kpatja
- kylemcr
- ladysupermarket
- lclight
- LilianLies
- lillylefay
- LoganHowardDoe
- Lonewalker
- longlivedtm
- looprication
- lorensics
- lotn
- ls365
- LucasValenzuela
- lvilluminati
- lzahorak1
- mach3racer
- maitai212
- MajorBob
- Marbelous
- Marley2461
- MatthewJMcMahon
- mayrag_
- Mchase
- mclarich
- metalstarfish
- metamorfisces
- mikeduin
- misslisagfrench
- MLingo
- mocko3
- Monicaroman
- monodistortion
- musoSF
- n_ftc
- N8OfTheMill
- neverclever
- nikon250
- NoExit319
- noisemuse
- noisychamps
- nothingham
- NotoriousOOG
- nozloo
- obscurafix
- ohbill
- Papichujoe
- Pearlyxg79
- Pillowhead
- plaguedoctorate
- pmrice55
- powder
- rdingwall
- richardinmaine
- RifleSmile
- RobotfromRocky4
- rocke031
- ruli02
- ryyanss
- sachgosh
- sallywolf
- SamboXIV
- Scartiger
- schaggydog
- scrambledgreggs
- Seanxx
- Sellkyrck
- Sensei702
- serotonin
- setlistsjg
- shellokitty
- shemoore2006
- sing-sing
- skabadelic
- skronch
- skullanddie
- skywesterndaze
- Snarehanger
- sonumbertwelve
- Sorensound
- spacemonkey999
- SteveMcQueen36
- stvkpln
- supercurefangrl
- SupernovaStar
- swvl
- taiso
- talkingace
- tarbalien
- thebringerofpie
- theklein25
- TheMusicHead
- thok47
- thomasasena
- tigerarmy25
- Timmo
- tissuebox
- titomb345
- Tom1975v2
- TrackAttack
- tramfan3
- Trippyturtlez
- TriStarRunner
- typeoserv
- UsedDiscoBall
- Vdub
- warholbot
- warrenmusic
- waznotwoz
- whatkilesaid
- wrdport
- Xerx88Red
- Yee403
- Ynnad666
- yuki_0428
- Zachpapas
- zanderporter
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