Radiohead Setlist at TD Garden, Boston, MA, USA
Tour: A Moon Shaped Pool
Song played from tapeI Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free(Billy Taylor song) (Nina Simone version)
- Encore:
- Encore 2:
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50 activities (last edit by livemusicfan, 11 Aug 2018, 13:23 Etc/UTC)
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234 people were there
- _tape
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- Abesster
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- aesantos97
- afelement
- agirlnamedv
- ajgrice
- AlexBett
- Alffoeva
- Ankaa
- Antsman41
- apierce
- avinciguerra
- Bad_wolf543
- Batch76
- Bbking55
- bcamel
- BDub1966
- benl9823
- bombsqd
- boxofboom
- Bpw73
- burnthewitch
- camerabob2
- catbert
- ccaarterr
- charliebecause
- charliewalker
- Chelmer93
- chillwave
- Chrisx5x5
- chuckahf54
- Cire1986
- clpdot133
- cokes311
- concertlover218
- curtiscomposer
- cvl215
- Damesies
- dbaser
- DC102681
- DebFex7
- Deesher
- despolino
- deweil
- dianaecollins
- disordervintage
- Djwedge73
- DMBPJfan
- dmburke11
- doug_gill
- dpearl35
- Drbjr320
- drfindley
- driveblind
- druptight
- dstutz
- eddi818
- emorency76
- Eore227
- Eric10dk
- Face
- fanner_b
- faraaznafc
- fb:1711994
- fdrich29
- Fractured_Rib
- Galv27
- GarrettQuinn
- geobearnb
- getcolor
- ghornett
- gloryfades
- gpantone
- greenvinyl
- Grungyssj
- Guerrettes1
- gylgamessh
- harringt0n
- herojima
- Herrminator
- Homegrownknows
- iamjoethornton
- iamwormbuffet
- imightbewrong12
- Jacobres
- JAFlanagan
- jasonjay1988
- JayV69
- jayyovs
- jbauer24
- jecadwallader
- Jefec99
- jeffwangum
- jegriff
- jennsie
- jgluskin
- JimZing
- Jkennedy1968
- joe_cool
- JoeLemp
- johnjaydutch
- JohnLennon1971
- JPBoston
- jrb17
- jrgranger49
- jsowersby
- jwhisler
- karlybot
- ken_atwell
- kinkajou7
- lamewickedlame
- Lance5684
- left-handshake
- lekat1
- Leoti
- letmelisten
- LiamMigullan
- liljoey90
- Maquoikal
- maren_kate
- MattPP
- Mcguigan54
- mdbaxter
- MeDave
- Megelafumf
- merkinball
- mhcovill
- michaelspiese
- mikewhalen108
- Millbillett
- ministryofadam
- Mitchgo
- mmjcobra
- moodyj66
- Moodyj662
- morgodth
- MortifiedPen
- mpaulson
- mrandyson
- Mrjmbjmb
- MrSun
- MSevy486
- mterrence5
- musicmastrbass
- mxthor
- ndpc95
- Nicolase11
- Nobes1010
- NomolosX
- nwelter88
- ohseptember
- olives
- onthecorner
- openupyourskull
- PacayTree
- pimlottc
- PixelPsycho
- pjc1
- Pjc1190
- plastikwrapt
- Ploop
- Potatorush1
- psilosybical
- pukology
- PvtVelvet
- r4pp3l
- radiobear
- Radiohead12
- radioheadLOUIE
- radiojazzz
- Rallard0
- Randallhimself
- rdtyphn
- readymade83
- ReneeLRoberts
- RevolvingSoul
- rhodesodas
- Rich74
- rjtinkham
- rleclair655321
- robotrock
- RobTheStreet
- Rodo
- romeoreyes
- rowan_alexander
- runcherylrun
- ruttenbas
- ryanonbass
- Sah10192
- Scattr-brain
- sdowen
- seandonn
- sergeantscruffy
- setalpgninnps
- setlistsjg
- SiggT
- Sirr_Didymus
- soilandsea
- Soupsandwitch
- spammeifyoumust
- Sparklemuffin
- Spft
- Spoonman11
- streetspirit
- sunsquashed
- tapehead4
- thefez
- TheloniousX
- ThomasKonan
- tiffanylrider
- timothykinsman1
- timthebarman
- tinnitus_photo
- tozzer
- tperry
- travisdesigns
- trebmal
- tripfontaine
- Truth2099
- TwigTW
- vanderwaalz
- vaselineviking
- vhanc94
- WalrusSP
- weasuL
- WildMan
- yellowsamerine
- zaps30
- zeekk7
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