Song played from tapeAmériques(Edgard Varèse song) (Chicago Symphony Orchestra conducted by Pierre Boulez)
(Syd Barrett cover) (John Frusciante solo)
(Gator Creek cover) (John Frusciante solo)
- Encore:
Note: "Under the Bridge" was listed on the handwritten setlist, but was replaced by "I Could Have Lied".
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33 activities (last edit by kfinch, 30 Jul 2024, 09:24 Etc/UTC)
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Red Hot Chili Peppers Gig Timeline
Nov 13 2023Estádio Couto Pereira This Setlist Curitiba, Brazil Start time: 9:05 PM9:05 PM
127 people were there
- acho_digno
- adrianopgua
- akramos
- alicegpaiva
- altair
- alwayslazyboy
- amandalis
- amndinha
- anapaulavr
- Andrest
- andrevrb
- Anwar-Rashid
- ariannec
- arnaldomtjr
- arthurgeron
- axpedro
- betina_moraes
- bru99dib
- brunomolo
- BrunoPStru
- Bwnogs
- Camilademenech
- Carolspolador
- DamianiCWB
- DaniStarck
- debppmayer
- diegodalpiva
- dilann
- dodi31
- dyegorogher
- edibervan
- edski
- eduardohey
- edubomfim
- ellen_wheels
- EspancaProstata
- Evandroid
- fcm0909
- fefawolf
- Felipe_Thiesen
- Felipe_Vilela
- felliperhcp
- FelpaSB
- FernandoDante
- FerRosario
- filipelimafl
- flaviaag
- flaviacruz
- GaBoscardin
- gcosta_03
- Gids
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- guiberlitz
- guilhermeparaty
- GustavoK
- hchrist85
- helorehme
- HumbertoJ93
- isafb
- Jacomasso
- JeanValJean
- jeibs
- JessicaCE
- JhenifferAline
- Jonasmdrs
- Kifas
- kogrhcp
- larallange
- lelipienski
- Leopoldo42
- lile
- lrdmaia
- lucaslupa
- lucasmarllon
- mabira
- marchidudu
- Marcotrmatos
- MariKapusta
- marincwb
- MatheusRHCP
- maycon
- MayraRibeiro8
- morganfree3281
- NayCastro
- Newtonborges
- NikolasMartins
- ninaemerich
- paulordamasio
- pclins71
- pedpacok
- pferracioli
- plaguebat
- puff_rock
- rafa_saboia
- RafaelL
- rafaelpvr
- recresto
- renan_
- renatoreche
- ricampelo
- ricardokassin
- Robezon
- Royther
- samburakosky
- schonsjr
- Steevylici0us
- syger
- Tandera7k
- th4mi
- thebriese
- TheFatherDrill
- thekaustik
- Thiago15
- Thinv
- tiago_pepper
- ttneuwert
- vhofmeister
- VicBeatles
- WAutomatically
- Woitovetch
- yadayadayada
- yasmin_webr
- zottisike
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