R.E.M. Setlist at Worthy Farm, Pilton, England
Tour: Up
(dedicated to Jean Eavis)
- Encore:
(Mills & Stipe)
Edits and Comments
16 activities (last edit by ExecutiveChimp, 22 Apr 2020, 17:56 Etc/UTC)
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R.E.M. Gig Timeline
151 people were there
- 80sindiekid
- Acetone-UK
- achamings
- adambroadway
- adaminspace
- aforscutt
- afterglow247
- alexross42
- AllanH
- allmycirclesrun
- andrewpaulshaw
- Andy145
- Andyc1011
- aprmike
- BadgerTejos
- baileyi77
- beatsdontstop
- BigDom
- BigRosie
- bletherer1
- broddo
- CanaryBlue17
- Catenecudo
- cerihughes
- Chainsaw_Wookie
- Chuffy07
- Coolin_by_sound
- CrawlForTheMoon
- dalemb1979
- Damofortune
- Danger75
- Dannyfav
- Davebickell
- daveingham
- DaveNoddyGough
- Dazzaglio
- dickie034
- DobroDan
- doctordan666
- dogzilla
- DominicField
- Doobeedoobeedoo
- duncanbeee
- EagleBare
- Eatpetefish
- efanekoku
- Eggboy
- Endless_Art
- ennem
- eoinfegan
- exp_cj
- fb:564757118
- FodeySwindon
- Gareth_Watkins
- Garethvb
- garkbit
- gavgraham
- GenerousZero
- gigothan
- gm5000
- Gowermoose
- graham66
- gump1884
- HansJolly
- Hawaiianrobot
- hazycloudsong
- InfiniteJest
- Jackt111
- jarnott31
- jealousofgirls
- jeremytb
- Jishkc
- jmdt83
- JonJovial
- Kafka63
- Kai-M
- Keenomanjaro
- KernowMatt
- KevS
- kewlkela
- Lucky_Micky
- LuxuryMonk
- maelzoid
- Mark_A_Eaton
- mathesar
- Mathsnmusic
- mellowdoubt
- Michael101
- Mickthevoice
- mildred23
- mlilley2001
- mrcslttr
- MrGTaylor1980
- MrHarvester
- MutinyInHeaven
- Nadav4549
- Neil101
- niat1972
- nickh4005
- nil_by_mouth
- okyada
- ollybishop
- Onedavehendo
- Orionpax42
- PaulB
- paulhayhurst
- PaulHolland
- peterbell1
- philmadden1
- playitcool
- Pobbington
- pogoyen
- poshbazza
- Pwillis
- Rascott
- reidy
- rentonsa
- Ricardlawless
- Riff1
- Rikkiebags
- robcorrall
- robellovich
- roger
- rsanachan
- sagmrsag
- shanerichmond
- SharonMasters15
- shots
- sibarker
- SiClem
- simonhunt
- SlammerKenya
- snicky
- spankyg73
- SpockyLin
- Steve_R
- stevetamburello
- Stu-evans
- Stue1967
- Tether18
- thombeckett
- tillsley
- Topalovich
- treee
- twistedonion
- tychosaurus
- Wiggy71
- willstraw
- YanMac
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