Rob Zombie Setlist at Val de Moine, Clisson, France
Tour: European Tour 2019
Song played from tapeIntro(Intro)
(White Zombie song)
(The Beatles cover)
(White Zombie song)
(Ramones cover)
Song played from tapeInterlude("3 From Hell" Trailer)
Edits and Comments
4 activities (last edit by Luke71, 9 Jul 2019, 03:28 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsRob Zombie Gig Timeline
150 people were there
- 9k1m
- Adios234
- alexandrebongur
- andrearipamonti
- antynd
- Ares
- aris3again
- Arjan
- aserejandro
- Aznhar
- Bambou76
- Becky385
- benjisop
- BillieJack
- Biokax
- Bjornin
- BlueJeanJoe
- bobpierrick
- Briancells
- BriceFer
- brioche_p
- burnsskull
- butchdwarzant
- cedlar
- celianjtn
- chani_blue
- Cleem
- Clo76
- Crueheadgirl
- ddores
- deadpool_az
- Deathliger
- DomoDaisuki
- Dravenhart
- DreyTalquor
- elynna
- Eris515
- Fanatik_Priest
- floatinglucie
- FlooW
- Flowiie
- fruntze
- Fulltriflo
- Gabivad
- GaelHervePhoto
- gavischneider
- Gizmo09
- Grossecaisse
- Guitou555666
- Hellfist
- JCFloyd
- JeffKanji
- JFC53
- Jgazphoto
- jibejibe
- JohnMustaine
- Jrmy_brd
- Juan_Villamarin
- Jujube
- julien-m
- julien169
- julienz
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- Kedgar
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- Knuckles42
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- LinkinZkit
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- Loli85
- lou_velvet
- lucasfen
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- Maella_hrl
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- MarySixx
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- mattogrosso
- maximebongur68
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- MB75
- mbellec
- metalAl
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- Mmarton88
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- Mr_Data
- nath-ls
- NemideNemerod
- nickko57
- Nicko
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- nowhere26
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- or_sij
- oricandy
- OTH12
- otl1972
- PataLouca
- PattaBov
- paulberlucchi
- Paulinewrt
- Pef7
- PhilX
- pouf666
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- Psychopat
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- Pyra
- q1t1
- quietinsenoulac
- RavenBlack
- robidesbois68
- RockMeeting
- Sachouille
- salconnn
- SaMhuS
- Schifeul
- sciacallo010
- Scyel
- SHC-68
- simplechaos
- slayor19
- sparkywallis
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- tanguyrnlt
- thrashtildeath
- Tibol03
- tobyntucker
- Tonton_Cissou
- Tyrcrash
- victorl59
- Vyuuse
- warpath
- WeldingGoggles
- Xelanianka
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- yangranger
- Zirconium13
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