Sabaton Setlist at Le Zénith, Paris, France
Tour: The Great Tour
Song played from tapeIn Flanders Fields
Song played from tapeGhost Division Intro
(With History Edtion Intro)
Song played from tapeDiary of an Unknown Soldier
- With Apocalyptica
(with Apocalyptica)
(with Apocalyptica)
(with Apocalyptica)
(with Apocalyptica)
(with Apocalyptica)
(with Apocalyptica)
- Encore:
Song played from tapeWWII Intro
Song played from tapeDead Soldier's Waltz
Song played from tapeMasters of the World
Note: The Song "Fields of Verdun" was professionally filmed and uploaded on the Band's YouTube Channel.
Edits and Comments
4 activities (last edit by Dougthemetalguy, 10 Oct 2020, 13:44 UTC)
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