Sabaton Setlist at Centre Bell, Montreal, QC, Canada
Song played from tapeThe March to War
(In Swedish)
(Joakim on "Hello Kitty" guitar, "Breaking the Law" tease)
(History intro, Joakim with gas mask)
Song played from tapeDead Soldier's Waltz
Song played from tapeMasters of the World
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15 activities (last edit by Iffyx, 14 Sep 2024, 14:42 Etc/UTC)
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Sabaton Gig Timeline
Sep 13 2024Centre Bell This Setlist Montreal, QC, Canada Start time: 7:30 PM7:30 PM
7:30 PM
45 people were there
- ---1
- 4yut2pc
- AlestormOzzy
- alpesh
- alternatepicker
- auger97
- Badhabit007
- Bartender888
- blackiss
- Bob_Valao
- breakthecycle91
- Capitaine101
- CedricB
- Cheezymeister
- Cynpi
- Darkfang
- DarthGrimby
- dbf345
- diablelucifer
- DomValela
- Drumsticks
- emeraldsanto
- EyeofAstranger
- FireStorm97
- FunkyBaldHead
- Iffyx
- jayhen24
- jellis7191
- jfvachon
- jipebourdon
- Kinglegit
- LouisQc80
- matwill
- mbournazian
- Metal_Madness
- MontrealMetal
- paulroy
- Pegase72
- plb45
- Ranchotexicali
- RumpelStillCam
- talulla
- Tankmech71
- VeritasKnight
- WaterboyQC
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