Tour: Attention Attention
Song played from tapeAttention Attention Intro
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6 activities (last edit by wretchedfairy, 17 Jun 2018, 10:00 Etc/UTC)
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281 people were there
- _rachels_x
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- acemagneto
- Acole9
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- Ajp47
- ajw1993
- Alex-mycock
- Alexj98
- alexperkins99
- amahopeless
- Andy_K
- andyglee
- Annie7x
- Antho1986
- Anthonyj112
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- ashadieu
- Axis714
- BarnettBoy789
- Batman96
- Bennus
- BenR753
- Bethlouise97
- BigD1983
- bigdave2510
- Bigslabby26
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- blmurray96
- blue-stu
- BobbyLol
- boilthespoil
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- bradman905
- Briggsy2000
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- CallumSmith
- CERStafford
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- CharRC1995
- cheese32165
- Cheesey_Biscuit
- chrisjordan27
- ckelly944
- clion
- Connorfitz
- Connorleesmith
- ConorTobin2001
- cookie666
- copen2001
- cornishpirate
- Coupe100
- craigclark
- Craigw1234
- CRteamblue
- DarkeBlaze
- DarrenGibson
- Dave_Martin
- daz_doc
- deano2112
- DebsMyth
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- DiscoVolante94
- Dooey997
- Doomedspider234
- dpoh1cfc1
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- EmmaC969
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- gav710
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- george27cKy
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- gmmspd
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- GregoryMarc95
- GRider54
- gwynrwilliams
- hannahc1990
- Harry-Atkin
- Hatton90
- heyitszina
- himynameislofty
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- jakobdwh
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- Jamie10095
- JamieMac1903
- JasonK
- JasonK96
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- Jaycee360
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- JM501
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- jolly380
- jollycafu
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- jordanadams8
- Josh_stephan
- JoshMatthews711
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- Kev76
- Kevcroc
- Kevtheredbaron
- Kieranluke625
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- Ladycarbon
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- liljud98
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- lozzyholding
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- Mandyh000
- marcsteele95
- maxcrayon33
- melll1972
- Melly_ghost
- Metallicat180
- Metallicat1986
- Metalxmedusa
- mexicandave
- MHC19972
- miIkteeth
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- mrandyc
- Mrblurryface18
- MrGraveyard666
- msisimpson
- MusicInsulin
- mw123
- Myrrh25
- Mz_Tudor
- nanamoon88
- Nat182
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- nessandandy
- NevermindCobain
- Nige78
- nitrpglycerin
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- oakenv
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- oXimal
- P3ck22
- paigerhiannon
- Parisshredz
- Paulio87
- paulisgod
- pdc9909
- photokayleigh
- pickupanddrive
- Piercepd
- Pineappleray66
- Poisonousbadger
- purpleshrub
- QuokkaMan
- Qwerty95k
- RabbleRouser82
- RealMilesKane
- RobertPHolt94
- Rogerb1859
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- rossd971
- royhalley
- sachinparmesh
- Sam_VET_John
- SarahBarrie
- sarahlou
- Scarey1994
- scarter2000
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- ScottLingard
- sda2702
- Sebsusername
- Shadow-Scope
- Shiftysuperior
- shonkysparrow
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- simonimonimon
- SimonPLewis
- sirtaz
- skarletzombie
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- smithreece02
- Snxff
- SophieLouise92x
- SporadicPsycho
- src1957
- Stevelotm
- stevo747
- StuartTimo94
- stukr
- Tabbey90
- Tank94
- Tenaka66
- tezza91
- the_bunster
- TheGame8282
- Thenamesbarnett
- Threepoint2
- Timmmmyboro
- Tom1975v2
- TombLurkin
- TomFckingWilson
- tommogullick
- Tonito
- toolo
- TopCat1964
- TopSet
- TorvaMessore
- Trashdegarbage
- TWhew4
- vanessaidk
- vv0jt3k
- wearethecrown
- Wode
- Wrathchild1995
- wulfenite
- xXGrovesy95Xx
- Yay-A-Mosquito
- YazBlitz
- Zzz0nkeddd
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