Slipknot Setlist at Allianz Parque, São Paulo, Brazil
Tour: Here Comes the Pain
Song played from tapeFor Those About to Rock (We Salute You)(AC/DC song)
Song played from tape742617000027
(tour debut)
(tour debut)
(tour debut)
(tour debut)
(tour debut)
(tour debut)
(tour debut)
(tour debut)
- Encore:
(tour debut)
Song played from tape'Til We Die
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33 activities (last edit by VictorTonon, 20 Oct 2024, 04:23 Etc/UTC)
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Slipknot Gig Timeline
Oct 19 2024Knotfest Brasil 2024 This Setlist São Paulo, Brazil Start time: 9:20 PM9:20 PM
224 people were there
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- VictorTonon
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- willrodrigues87
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