(George Jones cover)
([traditional] cover)
(with lyrics from Going Down the Road Feeling Bad)
Edits and Comments
22 activities (last edit by Luke71, 3 Mar 2022, 18:38 Etc/UTC)
Show edits and commentsThe Avett Brothers Gig Timeline
128 people were there
- abevigoda
- ablank2486
- adamfasula
- addisonwiest
- afinchhero
- Afriedman0221
- ajkillen
- akersdn924
- AlexWood29
- aliciacecelia
- allisoncc
- alocke14
- andijae
- andrewdcallahan
- annacaro
- Anonymity3
- apocallipses
- arcticspill
- armmar
- ash0707
- Aweaver413
- Banders44
- beastie78
- bertratp2
- bigbadbonj
- Bperry731
- brianfromky
- brownbagzoo
- bruiserbrigade3
- bslaby
- bucketohugs
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- CapnCat
- cheeses_christ
- chocolatebeet
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- DannyUnlimited
- danrako
- dantillo24
- DAxtell08
- dennytrumpet
- Dmod189
- drstatler
- DTerry
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- ellisintransit
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- ericj32
- fitterhappier
- FrankieG
- gardenfresh
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- gratefulreb
- Hallbm59
- insidiousdoc
- jackiepark
- jacob3996
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- JesseKilgannon
- joehortie
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- Josh5180
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- Mac80
- MatthewJMcMahon
- mattyk_today
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- Modeslman90
- MortifiedPen
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- MyRowdyFriend
- neditor
- odelljaj
- powersmatt88
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- Rummell904
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- scottseesshows
- scottyh782
- senoritaperdida
- sh0otermcgavin
- shalem83
- silerhead
- sreill3
- Susyluwho
- ThatCoolBreeze
- TheDude8669
- thelizardman
- thomwaits121
- tinioril
- Treasure
- Truantsmoveon
- ulfan32
- UniqueAntique
- zaba717
- zdpiasec
- zelazek3
- zeppehead
- zstaten15
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