The Cure Setlist at Mercedes-Benz Arena, Berlin, Germany
Tour: 2016 European Tour
- Encore:
- Encore 2:
- Encore 3:
Edits and Comments
33 activities (last edit by CraigatCoF, 18 Oct 2016, 21:16 Etc/UTC)
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The Cure Gig Timeline
93 people were there
- 100years
- 15matz
- Andy87
- b5li
- Bassmaster_S
- bloodflower70
- Bloodi
- Bolognino63
- brausebirne
- BulledePerrier
- Cabride
- Caseyinberlin
- Chris_draven
- cobra_verde
- Cult_Hero_
- cureman
- CureMarie
- curevideo
- curewish
- Darkstar72
- denniskruit
- digital84
- earvinho
- easyfred
- epischel
- fatpie1664
- FayeElinor
- ffranz
- Figurehead
- flowersoflove
- fons36
- Foreverdrowning
- Freakazoid
- grunix13
- haho666
- heicure
- Hoffmeyer
- HopeDrone
- hprog
- jlepthien
- Klicker
- Kyotosong1
- LeFk
- LeonFac
- level43
- lilyanything
- liore
- lostwishes
- lozzat100years
- lscm
- Lumpiene20001
- maab
- macwo
- mariob
- MaWeBerlin
- mcclane91
- Meierone
- moggieboy
- mvandeberg
- ownmix
- parktv
- Pat_Rainey
- perfect-murder
- petrhalla
- reflections1015
- renton66
- scary_aunty
- scttrbrn
- Seb80
- senseibebop
- sickdog
- spiral-stairs
- Sputniker
- stancoo
- Starfucker7777
- steener_8
- Stefka
- stevanzett
- stez
- SuiTen
- susiinthesky
- tc75
- toubab
- TravelAdd1cted
- ttthomas
- u8li
- ulitsky
- underrottensky
- vickydb
- Wallin
- Wilgy
- YouXxX
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