The Cure Setlist at Hollywood Bowl, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Tour: Shows of a Lost World
- Encore:
- Encore 2:
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33 activities (last edit by mlp1007, 28 May 2023, 04:50 Etc/UTC)
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The Cure Gig Timeline
May 25 2023Hollywood Bowl This Setlist Los Angeles, CA, USA Start time: 8:15 PM8:15 PM
104 people were there
- _Chris
- 7tee7
- ambrose1am
- Anjijade
- antzona
- aplayfortoday
- arcticsounds
- BaityFish
- bedraggle
- bluesilvr
- bootsbats
- bradleyamontana
- brandoncyu
- britty2748
- charlesmaynes
- chcurefan
- chrisbonham
- Crombrenner
- curedtc
- DanBernalSF
- Dani_Hell
- Darealdmt
- ddierck
- demetras
- Diable37
- discoriley
- Djtheeo
- dore01
- eigtba
- emydyas
- enniferawrence
- esorrevets
- eugelee
- ezjlxp
- feat_henry
- fedelfin
- flawed
- fruer
- greenismyfave
- Hector_M
- Hydromethane
- Ian_Stentor
- ireneau
- jaderade
- JimSargent
- Jiptrahan
- Jkuhlen
- jodijay333
- JRinger3
- Jrosey16
- jsloan3
- Jtalley85
- KangLee00
- KareCares
- klezder
- kurlysticks
- kvltkrisis
- L3ftisM
- la_lovecat
- LilyCarvajal
- Lorifuchsia
- LuxuryMonk
- lwg120
- MajorBob
- mattseng
- Mbone3000
- meowanna
- Mewidmer
- mikeycraze
- mlp1007
- Mrbgok
- mrmoonlight
- mvandeberg
- Nycgrl
- Paczona
- Patryk1968
- pdmoore
- RaiderFloyd
- RogerT
- Rourk
- sgn32
- Shimmyshiny
- siglar
- sillyboob
- SirWizzo
- sjbass
- smurfun
- SoundManCA
- speakandspel
- spiderglitter
- spugneck
- swrobel
- tedlio
- thebringerofpie
- TheMatrix
- U2dmthecure
- Vinylmartyr
- violingirl
- WolverineWinMX
- XxEmiliexX
- ziniafish
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