The Linda Lindas Setlist at Coors Field, Denver, CO, USA
Tour: Summer Vacation 2024
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8 activities (last edit by theskoundrel, 8 Sep 2024, 15:23 UTC)
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The Linda Lindas Gig Timeline
Sep 07 2024Coors Field This Setlist Denver, CO, USA Start time: 5:30 PM5:30 PM
50 people were there
- AllisonP
- AsthmaticTeaPot
- au-bry
- bnelson2533
- bobnewhouse
- capounatus
- Cender12
- chaseo4
- CodyH1232
- colinchristie
- dblj
- demoncleaner93
- dizzle_44
- epack
- ezjlxp
- FetalW0nder
- gloryfades
- Hutchhxcx
- i_was_there_92
- Imthewalrus
- JaceTheWizzo
- jeffe333
- joleksy
- JOrphal
- kfosnot
- kmartini
- Lithiummm
- llvefreeordie
- MelB33z
- officivictorlee
- pennstatephil
- PhilMess
- PirateStahlion
- pntrachk
- PsychRocker
- PunxBytch
- RangerRoy
- Sadmanatee
- sportesan
- SquidProQuo
- stepbrad
- thefrog114
- theskoundrel
- TheWidowBailey
- tjbyes123
- toppershull
- trinitycole
- willrmc
- Yozora5
- zanedof
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