U2 Setlist at Estádio do Morumbi, São Paulo, Brazil
Tour: U2 360°
Song played from tapeTelstar(The Tornados song) (Intro music)
Song played from tapeSpace Oddity(David Bowie song) (Intro music)
(Fish Out of Water Remix)
(with "Anthem" and "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" snippets)
(with "Gracias a la vida" (Violeta Parra) snippet)
(Passengers cover)
(with "Fez - Being Born" snippet at beginning)
(with "It's Only Rock 'n Roll (But I Like It)" (The Rolling Stones song) snippet)
(Remix; with "Relax" and "Two Tribes" snippet)
(with "You'll Never Walk Alone" snippet)
- Encore:
Song played from tapeDesmond Tutu Speech(Intro for Encore)
(with "All I Want Is You" (intro) and "All You Need Is Love" snippets)
- Encore 2:
(Bono talks about Brazil and about the children of Realengo)
Song played from tapeRocket Man (I Think It's Going to Be a Long, Long Time)(Elton John song)
Note: Soundcheck included "Zooropa", "City of Blinding Lights", "Vertigo", "Mercy", and "Mysterious Ways".
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62 activities (last edit by LightNight, 16 Mar 2021, 18:19 Etc/UTC)
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