(With Queen of the Stone Age’s “Song for the Dead” intro)
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11 activities (last edit by TENxTEN, 30 Jan 2024, 07:14 Etc/UTC)
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Yeah Yeah Yeahs Gig Timeline
Sep 09 2023The Town 2023 This Setlist São Paulo, Brazil Start time: 8:25 PM8:25 PM
199 people were there
- _arthurvaz
- _EduardoC
- _gabiqr
- _Maki
- acamargo
- agrebil
- Aguiar_alvaro
- aguimaraes
- ailyn634
- alanfal7
- alcurearnaud
- alicegpaiva
- alinexxx
- alvorcem
- alwayslazyboy
- alyshow
- anacarolinap
- anacastanho
- anagalmeida
- anaksf
- AndreBinhardi
- aneleambra
- angelicaaoliv
- apalomasreis
- ArmandoNeto
- Arturor7
- arushofcaroles
- asayuh
- augustomallmann
- babi_matos
- bea34123112
- beabuerger
- becope1001
- bomdiasophia
- bozisz
- brazcassio
- bruceQQ
- brufransil
- brumosc
- brunodzfl
- C-A-P
- caio0y
- calidezus
- camilatrindade
- CarlosTolino
- carolsassatelli
- casatle
- celso
- ClaudioFonzi
- clebidi
- Cruz185
- daianekr
- DamianiCWB
- danielfecam
- DanielsOfficial
- DaniStarck
- delvecclio
- douglasmanso
- douglasmarinhos
- dst212
- duh138
- edmurhashitani
- Elder_Vicario
- enzofurlan
- Exxxec
- fabio_Silva14
- fb:886475135
- Felipe_Mesquita
- Fi_Armani
- fila_benario
- fmmdbll
- fredmedeiros
- ftoliveira
- fzfranco94
- Gabe_Rinas
- gabiteixeira
- giovxna
- Glivrocks
- golddustgabs
- gucampanili
- guiduarte
- guilanzoti
- guimartino
- Guiwfc
- heeytrinny
- HeitorGC
- helderdombrito
- HenriCastro
- henriquem
- ianemachado
- igorg94
- ironmoon
- Itstheusma
- joaogabriel5
- johncito
- johnnymaure
- johnpereira
- Jonasmdrs
- jonnyken
- JulianaRuiz
- JVFerraz
- K-Belmont
- kanoff02
- karenkaren_
- kirpaluis
- krlEdo
- kurtinaitis
- laaiss_
- lahh_ribeiro
- laisdellafonte
- larissacastanha
- laurencypaes
- ledealis
- leocepedes
- leonardomachado
- leonunes22
- leopinheiro7
- leozancanella
- lile
- loabrantes
- Lordsasskicker
- louoliveira
- Lovelar23
- luanatoledo
- lucas_neri
- lucasfa
- LucasMoreira
- lucoelho
- marcelovillela
- mariluias
- maripaulino_
- markito03
- markuz
- marrocoskarla
- marylo85
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- mcvieira
- Meeiryw
- meowsup
- mialexandrino
- mojoland
- natashasant0ro
- natunovelli
- nelore
- olabianca
- oliveiraluke
- pablomiyazawa
- pacheco
- pedrojmduarte
- Pethros
- PHG2803
- pkirsten
- pomper
- prozacnot
- rafaacfranca
- rafaela_dangelo
- rafonsouza
- Raphaela_R
- remarch78
- renanmoralez
- rfvs
- rltcjunior
- rodq
- rodrigosaviano
- rousesrms13
- rsfranca00
- saviocarmona
- ShowMaster1
- siimonec
- sikamikaniko
- Smarnoff
- sosobueno
- StephenSch
- Tatitness
- thaislnrs
- tharsilaleite
- Thatajs
- Thayz
- theghostofana
- theuzinho
- ThiagoPlaciano
- Thialgo
- Tiodochurros
- tomasquirino
- tulliodias
- Tya_b
- uai_guga
- ursulaks
- Van_de_Oli
- vb_setlist
- Vini_nunes18
- wendysasahara
- whosdoda
- will_alvino
- wladimird
- X471
- yahcorrea
- yas7
- yasminmedeiros
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