0 X í S T Setlists

May 30 2015

0 X í S T at Skullcrusher, Dresden, Germany

  1. In the Hood of the Clan of Tombs
  2. Nil
  3. Enshrine
  4. Of Wood, Stone and Bone
  5. Cold Dark Matter
  6. Instincts of a Serpent
  7. Old World Vanished
  8. No Life to Bother
  9. Unveil the Shadow World
May 27 2015

0 X í S T at Fabrica, Bucharest, Romania

  1. In the Hood of the Clan of Tombs
  2. Nil
  3. Enshrine
  4. Of Wood, Stone and Bone
  5. Cold Dark Matter
  6. Instincts of a Serpent
  7. Old World Vanished
  8. No Life to Bother
  9. Unveil the Shadow World
May 25 2015

0 X í S T at Flex Club, Arad, Romania

  1. In the Hood of the Clan of Tombs
  2. Nil
  3. Enshrine
  4. Of Wood, Stone and Bone
  5. Cold Dark Matter
  6. Instincts of a Serpent
  7. Old World Vanished
  8. No Life to Bother
  9. Unveil the Shadow World
Dec 6 2014
0 X í S T setlists

0 X í S T

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Last updated: 13 Oct 2024, 23:51 Etc/UTC

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Last updated: 13 Oct 2024, 23:51 Etc/UTC

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Last updated: 13 Oct 2024, 23:51 Etc/UTC

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Setlist Goes There: Something Corporate OOO Tour