A Winged Victory for the Sullen Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
A Winged Victory for the Sullen at Barbican Hall, London, England
- So That the City Can Begin to Exist
- The Celestial City
- The Dead Outnumber the Living
- Desires Are Already Memories
- Total Perspective Vortex
- The Haunted Victorian Pencil
- Aqualung, Motherfucker
- A Minor Fifth Is Made of Phantoms
- The Rhythm of a Dividing Pair
- Our Lord Debussy
- Retour au Champs de Mars
- Atomos III
- ...
A Winged Victory for the Sullen at St George's Church, Brighton, England
- Our Lord Debussy
- Sullen Sonata
- Atomos II
- Atomos III
- Atomos VI
- Atomos VII
- Atomos VIII
- Atomos IX
- Atomos X
- A Symphony Pathetique
- Aqualung, Motherfucker
- A Minor Fifth
- ...
A Winged Victory for the Sullen at First Presbyterian Church, Belfast, Northern Ireland
- Our Lord Debussy
- Sullen Sonata
- Atomos II
- Atomos III
- Atomos VI
- Atomos VII
- Atomos VIII
- Atomos IX
- Atomos X
- A Symphony Pathetique
- Aqualung, Motherfucker
- A Minor Fifth
- ...
A Winged Victory for the Sullen at National Concert Hall, Dublin, Ireland
- Our Lord Debussy
- Sullen Sonata
- Atomos I
- Atomos III
- Atomos VI
- Atomos VIII
- Atomos IX
- Atomos X
- A Symphony Pathetique
- Aqualung, Motherfucker
- A Minor Fifth Is Made of Phantoms
- Steep Hills of Vicodin Tears
- ...
A Winged Victory for the Sullen
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