Hour of Penance Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Upcoming Shows
3:00 PM7:50 PM
Hour of Penance at Gong Galaxy Club, Oviedo, Spain
- Devotion for Tyranny
- Birthright Abolished
- Cast the First Stone
- Paradogma
- Incestuous Dynasty of Worms
- Flames of Merciless Gods
- Blight and Conquer
- Retaliate
- Reforging the Crowns
- Sedition Through Scorn
- Ascension
- Misconception
Hour of Penance at Sala Upload, Barcelona, Spain
- Devotion for Tyranny
- Birthright Abolished
- Cast the First Stone
- Paradogma
- Incestuous Dynasty of Worms
- Flames of Merciless Gods
- Blight and Conquer
- Retaliate
- Regicide
- Sedition Through Scorn
- Ascension
- Misconception
- ...
Hour of Penance at Birreria San Giorgio, Costabissara, Italy
Doors: 8:30 PM
Hour of Penance at Beyond the Grave 2023
- Misconception
Hour of Penance at Malta Death Festival 2023
Doors: 8:00 PM
Hour of Penance
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215 people have seen Hour of Penance live.
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