Philip Glass Ensemble Setlists

Sep 29 2024

Philip Glass Ensemble at Cambridge Corn Exchange, Cambridge, England

Set Times:
Show: 7:30 PM – 9:25 PM
  1. Glassworks: I. Opening
  2. Glassworks: II. Floe
  3. Glassworks: III. Islands
  4. Glassworks: IV. Rubric
  5. Glassworks: V. Façades
  6. Glassworks: VI. Closing
  7. Satyagraha: Act II, Scene 1. Confrontation and Rescue (1896)
  8. Akhnaten: Act I, Scene 1: Funeral of Amenhotep III
  9. The Photographer: Act III
  10. Einstein on the Beach: Act IV, Scene III. Spaceship
Sep 28 2024

Philip Glass Ensemble at Barbican Centre, London, England

Set Times:
Doors: 6:30 PM
  1. No. 2, the CIVIL warS
  2. The Grid
  3. Façades
  4. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 8
  5. Rescue from Satyagraha
  6. Funeral from Akhnaten
  7. The Photographer: Act III
  8. Spaceship from Einstein on the Beach
Sep 26 2024

Philip Glass Ensemble at The Glasshouse, Gateshead, England

  1. Glassworks: I. Opening
  2. Glassworks: II. Floe
  3. Glassworks: III. Islands
  4. Glassworks: IV. Rubric
  5. Glassworks: V. Façades
  6. Glassworks: VI. Closing
  7. Satyagraha: Act II, Scene 1. Confrontation and Rescue (1896)
  8. Akhnaten: Act I, Scene 1: Funeral of Amenhotep III
  9. The Photographer: Act III
  10. Spaceship from Einstein on the Beach
Jun 26 2024

Philip Glass Ensemble at Noches del Botánico 2024

Set Times:
Show: 10:00 PM – 11:55 PM
  1. Glassworks: I. Opening
  2. Floe
  3. Glassworks: III. Islands
  4. Glassworks: IV. Rubric
  5. Façades
  6. Closing
  7. Satyagraha: Act II, Scene 1. Confrontation and Rescue (1896)
  8. Akhnaten: Act I, Scene 1: Funeral of Amenhotep III
  9. The Photographer: Act III
  10. Einstein On The Beach: Act IV, Scene 3: Spaceship
Jun 22 2024

Philip Glass Ensemble at Ravenna Festival 2024

  1. Serra Pelada
  2. The Title
  3. Anthem, Part 1
  4. That Place
  5. Anthem, Part 2
  6. Mosque and Temple
  7. Anthem, Part 3
  8. Train to São Paulo
  9. Video Dream
  10. New Cities in Ancient Lands, China
  11. New Cities in Ancient Lands, Africa
  12. New Cities in Ancient Lands, India
  13. ...
Jun 21 2024
Jun 14 2024

Philip Glass Ensemble at Uppsala Konsert & Kongress, Uppsala, Sweden

  1. Glassworks: I. Opening
  2. Floe
  3. Glassworks: III. Islands
  4. Glassworks: IV. Rubric
  5. Façades
  6. Closing
  7. Satyagraha: Act II, Scene 1. Confrontation and Rescue (1896)
  8. Akhnaten: Act I, Scene 1: Funeral of Amenhotep III
  9. The Photographer: Act III
  10. Einstein on the Beach: Act IV, Scene III. Spaceship
May 25 2024

Philip Glass Ensemble at The Town Hall, New York, NY, USA

  1. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 1
  2. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 2
  3. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 3
  4. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 4
  5. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 5
  6. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 6
  7. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 7
  8. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 8
  9. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 9
  10. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 10
  11. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 11
  12. Music in Twelve Parts, Part 12
Philip Glass Ensemble setlists

Philip Glass Ensemble

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