Polish Club Concert Setlists & Tour Dates
Polish Club at Oxford Art Factory, Sydney, Australia
- How Dare You Fall In Love In This City
- Where We Land
- We Don't Care
- Clarity
- Tied In A Knot
- Fool On The Weekend
- Unstable
- Stop for a Minute
- Don't Fuck Me Over
- Beeping
- Breakapart
- Divided
- ...
Polish Club at Enmore Theatre, Sydney, Australia
- Where U Been?
- Watchuknow
- Beeping
- Clarity
- Don't Fuck Me Over
- My House
- Gimme Money
- I Feel Like A Tooheys
- Somebody Told Me
- From the Sea
- Scar
- Take Me Out
- ...
Polish Club at Odeon Theatre, Hobart, Australia
- Did Somebody Tell Me
- Clarity
- Don't Fuck Me Over
- Beeping
- Gimme Money
- Somebody Told Me
- From the Sea
- Scar
- Take Me Out
- Able
- Come Party
Polish Club
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103 people have seen Polish Club live.
OverAndOver dazzler_8902 Handsprime Rock_jester westriot Jozzah eaglegirl007 TomTomTom gefsmif MegaH WackyManz Squiv yaudog hulkhoges offerkjelen ACDL Not_Andy64 Sgt_Citrus sugarpeachpixie rigged nfuzz stevenwglover drrimmer LukeTheMessiah Strangermouse oldmatetizza shilk Meremoo yelsnia nthn jdm2810 rickdp TeamVenture bleepbleepbloop pistola80 Nate77 JestaCat hannahhayden mbp41291 Beno88 debbrooks Mayor_MVille Anthony-Lockett kimnitram grantmalf83 vthach imsewelly maplefanta gig_g_u_y Murray
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