The Callous Daoboys Setlists

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Dec 15 2024

The Callous Daoboys at Eastside Bowl, Nashville, TN, USA

  1. Pushing the Pink Envelope
  2. Blackberry DeLorean
  3. Star Baby
  4. Violent Astrology
  5. Faraday Cage
  6. Pure Schlock
  7. What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?
  8. Dogfight Over the Trenches
  9. Fake Dinosaur Bones
  10. A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops
Dec 7 2024

The Callous Daoboys at Altar @ The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA, USA

Set Times:
Doors: 6:00 PM
Show: 10:00 PM – 11:15 PM
  1. Pushing the Pink Envelope
  2. Waco Jesus
  3. Designer Shroud of Turin
  4. Star Baby
  5. Violent Astrology
  6. Flip Flops at a Funeral
  7. Dogfight Over the Trenches
  8. Fake Dinosaur Bones
  9. The Absolute Barnstormer
  10. Faraday Cage
  11. Pure Schlock
  12. Cobra Winfrey
  13. ...
Oct 3 2024

The Callous Daoboys at WorkPlay Soundstage, Birmingham, AL, USA

Set Times:
Doors: 6:00 PM
Show: 7:10 PM – 7:40 PM
  1. Tia Tamera
  2. Fake Dinosaur Bones
  3. Pushing the Pink Envelope
  4. Star Baby
  5. Violent Astrology
  6. What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?
  7. Blackberry DeLorean
  8. A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops
  9. When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
Aug 8 2024

The Callous Daoboys at Dirty Dungarees Laundromat And Bar, Columbus, OH, USA

  1. Fake Dinosaur Bones
  2. Pushing the Pink Envelope
  3. Waco Jesus
  4. Star Baby
  5. Violent Astrology
  6. Designer Shroud of Turin
  7. What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?
  8. Blackberry DeLorean
  9. Title Track
  10. A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops
  11. When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
Aug 3 2024

The Callous Daoboys at The Middle East Restaurant and Nightclub, Cambridge, MA, USA

Set Times:
Doors: 6:30 PM
Show: 9:20 PM – 9:55 PM
  1. Fake Dinosaur Bones
  2. Pushing the Pink Envelope
  3. Star Baby
  4. Violent Astrology
  5. What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?
  6. Blackberry DeLorean
  7. A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops
  8. When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
Aug 2 2024

The Callous Daoboys at Elsewhere, Brooklyn, NY, USA

  1. Fake Dinosaur Bones
  2. Pushing the Pink Envelope
  3. Star Baby
  4. Violent Astrology
  5. What Is Delicious? Who Swarms?
  6. Blackberry DeLorean
  7. A Brief Article Regarding Time Loops
  8. When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong
The Callous Daoboys setlists

The Callous Daoboys

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