Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me performed by Álvaro Henríquez
- Original Artist The Smiths
- From the release Strangeways, Here We Come (Album)
- Total Plays 1 time by Álvaro Henríquez
- 303 times by 17 artists
- First Played in Concert February 5, 2005 at Blondie, Santiago, Chile
- Most Recently Played February 5, 2005 at Blondie, Santiago, Chile
1 | 2005 |
Plays by Other Artists
- Morrissey 146 times
- Johnny Marr 88 times
- The Smyths 21 times
- Low 15 times
- Weeping Willows 9 times
- The Smiths Presumably 8 times
- Chokebore 4 times
- The Last Shadow Puppets 2 times
- The Smiths Indeed 2 times
- Brando 1 time
- McAlmont & Butler 1 time
- Colin Meloy 1 time
- Morrissey Indeed 1 time
- Grant-Lee Phillips 1 time
- Unloveable 1 time
- William Control 1 time