For Whom the Bell Tolls performed by Apocalyptica
- Original Artist Metallica
- From the release Ride the Lightning (Album)
- Total Plays 299 times by Apocalyptica
- 3804 times by 295 artists
- First Played in Concert November 19, 1996 at Jäähalli, Helsinki, Finland
- Most Recently Played February 7, 2025 at The Fillmore Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Year | Song Performances | |
1 | 2017 | |
2 | 2024 | |
3 | 2018 | |
4 | 2019 | |
5 | 2003 | |
6 | 2005 | |
7 | 2011 | |
8 | 1999 | |
9 | 2008 | |
10 | 2000 | |
2001 | ||
2010 | ||
13 | 2009 | |
2025 | ||
15 | 1997 | |
2012 | ||
17 | 1998 | |
2022 | ||
2023 | ||
20 | 1996 | |
2004 | ||
2006 | ||
2014 |
Plays by Other Artists
- Metallica 1607 times
- Moretallica 191 times
- Portugal. The Man 154 times
- AlcoholicA 104 times
- Shackled 68 times
- One: The ONLY Tribute to Metallica 67 times
- Azzarok 60 times
- Starset 47 times
- The Four Horsemen 47 times
- Acid Drinkers 46 times
- After Forever 46 times
- The Covernant 46 times
- Some Kind of Metallica 45 times
- Sanitarium 44 times
- Meatallica 40 times
- Mentallica 37 times
- My’tallica 25 times
- Scream Inc. 25 times
- Vibrator 25 times
- Hetfieldz 23 times
- Damage, Inc. 19 times
- Drangsal 18 times
- Injustice for All 17 times
- Pop Evil 16 times
- Black Metallica 15 times
- 9sundays 14 times
- Hardwired 13 times
- Iron Blade 13 times
- Rolling Quartz 13 times
- Cageheart 12 times
- Fuming Mouth 11 times
- Trivium 11 times
- Fade to Black 10 times
- Metallica Reloaded 10 times
- Midnite Hellion 10 times
- Relic 10 times
- Aqueous 9 times
- Regna 9 times
- Titan Crusher 9 times
- Øverburn 9 times
- The Four Horsemen 8 times
- Blistered Earth 7 times
- Devil's Holy Adversary 7 times
- Loadstar 7 times
- Mainline 7 times
- Wasted Years 7 times
- Anesthesia 6 times
- Damage Inc 6 times
- Hamerex 6 times
- Pragma 6 times
- Puppets From Hel 6 times
- Roadkill 6 times
- Shocker 6 times
- The Sinsemillian 6 times
- Toxic Crusade 6 times
- Acid Reign 5 times
- AlcoholicA 5 times
- Angra 5 times
- Blackened 5 times
- CASL 5 times
- High Tides 5 times
- Metal Militia 5 times
- Metal lica 5 times
- Submersed 5 times
- Sum 41 5 times
- Trio de Facto 5 times
- Apulanta 4 times
- Eastern Rust 4 times
- Excalibur 4 times
- Johnny 27 4 times
- Kisser Clan 4 times
- L'Òstia Del Segle 4 times
- Mortal Strike 4 times
- Mäster 4 times
- Raspy Junker 4 times
- Red Razor 4 times
- Roots – Sepultura Tributo 4 times
- Shaman 4 times
- The Dawn 4 times
- Battery 3 times
- Betek 3 times
- Bleifrei 3 times
- Brutality Will Prevail 3 times
- Bullet Ride 3 times
- Burden 3 times
- Danny Grams 3 times
- Distorted Mind 3 times
- Frank Lampard 3 times
- Headache24 3 times
- Helpless 3 times
- Hey 3 times
- Imperium 3 times
- Liquid Pride 3 times
- Los Cinco Felices Cuatro 3 times
- Magnetica 3 times
- Revera 3 times
- Robert Flynn 3 times
- Santa Furia 3 times
- Unchained Beast 3 times
- Vindicted 3 times
- Whiskey Sin 3 times
- Xion 3 times
- Another Life 2 times
- Baby in Vain 2 times
- Big Something 2 times
- Bloodstain 2 times
- Chuan-Tzu 2 times
- Cult of Scarecrow 2 times
- Denum 2 times
- Dreadnox 2 times
- Dyfër 2 times
- Dylan Michael 2 times
- Electric Church 2 times
- Fulminator 2 times
- Grain Zero 2 times
- HNY BDGR 2 times
- Hairbanger's Ball 2 times
- Headless Cross 2 times
- Illuminatus 2 times
- Imitallica 2 times
- Imperium 2 times
- Kalkedon 2 times
- Kevlar 2 times
- Klapan 2 times
- Lillian Axe 2 times
- Lj Skrypiec III 2 times
- Local H 2 times
- Metakilla 2 times
- Mocktallica 2 times
- Motorbreath 2 times
- Mustang 73 2 times
- Oakdale Drive 2 times
- Patarei 2 times
- Powered by Noise 2 times
- Retallica 2 times
- Rock & Roll Institute 2 times
- Rodrigo y Gabriela 2 times
- Sacarium 2 times
- Santa Claus 2 times
- Seek ’em All 2 times
- Senarius 2 times
- ShitKill 2 times
- The Soul Rebels 2 times
- Tim “Ripper” Owens 2 times
- Trallery 2 times
- Tymo 2 times
- Unforgiven 2 times
- 311 1 time
- =DIE YOUNG= 1 time
- AdaKaiN 1 time
- Adam and the Metal Hawks 1 time
- Alcoholica 1 time
- All Star Jam Session 1 time
- Amplified Inception 1 time
- Anstratus 1 time
- Anthrax 1 time
- Arakain 1 time
- Artch 1 time
- Ashes from the Storm 1 time
- Atrophy 1 time
- Black Horsemen 1 time
- Bottom Bag Fryz 1 time
- Cross 1 time
- DYKES 1 time
- Damaged Inc 1 time
- Dandelion Revenge 1 time
- Dark Age 1 time
- De Bougies 1 time
- Death Divine 1 time
- Disciple 1 time
- Diving Stove 1 time
- Ektomorf 1 time
- El Moisés 1 time
- Emergence 1 time
- Endgame 1 time
- Erato 1 time
- Evile 1 time
- Extingue Tu Credo 1 time
- Feel No Pain 1 time
- Fifteen 1 time
- Filter 1 time
- Fred Durst 1 time
- Full of Anger 1 time
- Fumados 1 time
- Furi Helium 1 time
- Fytspat 1 time
- Gabriel Franzese 1 time
- Gepenéricos 1 time
- Giacomo Voli 1 time
- God of Shamisen 1 time
- Gravity Stone 1 time
- Guns N’ Roses 1 time
- H.O.A.X. 1 time
- Hammerschmitt 1 time
- Harpo 1 time
- Heet Seas 1 time
- Hypothermia 1 time
- H₂O 1 time
- If It Rains 1 time
- Immortal Sÿnn 1 time
- Inciter 1 time
- Introspect 1 time
- Iron Rain 1 time
- Justice 1 time
- Justify 1 time
- KAUSTIK 1 time
- Kamenar 1 time
- Kavana 1 time
- Kazik & Kwartet ProForma 1 time
- KinStrife 1 time
- Kostas Vretos 1 time
- Loqiemean 1 time
- Machine Head 1 time
- Marrowed 1 time
- Mass Hysteria 1 time
- Masterpiece 1 time
- Max Mobarry 1 time
- Max Zubic 1 time
- Mecca 1 time
- Megadebt 1 time
- Menthrass 1 time
- Metal Allegiance 1 time
- Midnite Sun 1 time
- Milczenie Owiec 1 time
- Mirrors of Oblivion 1 time
- Mixed Up Everything 1 time
- Mommy's Little Helpers 1 time
- Morhana 1 time
- Muteny 1 time
- Nepal 1 time
- Nitro 1 time
- Nomade 1 time
- Nuclear Winter 1 time
- OIR A RIO 1 time
- Onslaught 1 time
- Orchestre symphonique de Québec 1 time
- Orden Ogan 1 time
- Orion 1 time
- Orion 1 time
- Overtoun 1 time
- Paranoid Justice 1 time
- Parkcrest 1 time
- Peace Freak 1 time
- Perfect Strangers 1 time
- Poison Cherry 1 time
- Polish Metal Alliance 1 time
- PolyToxic 1 time
- Present Danger 1 time
- Psychotic Waltz 1 time
- Quarteto de Cordas Monte Cristo 1 time
- Ransakker 1 time
- Revolver 1 time
- Ritual Walk 1 time
- Rival Schools 1 time
- Road Crue 1 time
- RockWeller 1 time
- Rodrigo Rossi 1 time
- S.K.O.R. 1 time
- SaD 1 time
- Sandman 1 time
- Santa Cruz 1 time
- Scary Guyz 1 time
- Screams of Hockomock 1 time
- Scumshot 1 time
- Shackle 1 time
- Shihad 1 time
- ShreddeR 1 time
- Souls In Custody 1 time
- Steel Arm 1 time
- Steel Mage 1 time
- Streel 1 time
- Strike 1 time
- Subscribe 1 time
- Sword 1 time
- The Death of Gagarin 1 time
- The Disposable Heroes 1 time
- The George Ellis Orchestra 1 time
- The Indiana Sabaton Tribute 1 time
- The Rising Storm 1 time
- The Unforgiven 1 time
- Threat Level: Midnight 1 time
- Through The Never 1 time
- Upon Stone 1 time
- V*A*S*E 1 time
- Various Artists 1 time
- Vinny Mauro 1 time
- War Kabinett 1 time
- White Pony 1 time
- Wrath 1 time
- Zigismunds Arbaliņš 1 time
- Zulu 1 time
- black midi 1 time
- Æterna 1 time