Wake Me Up When September Ends performed by David Cook
- Original Artist Green Day
- From the release American Idiot (Album)
- Total Plays 1 time by David Cook
- 539 times by 54 artists
- First Played in Concert October 10, 2020 at Private Venue, Nashville, TN, USA
- Most Recently Played October 10, 2020 at Private Venue, Nashville, TN, USA
1 | 2020 |
Plays by Other Artists
- Green Day 371 times
- The Snarfs 20 times
- Green Fake 17 times
- Green Haze 14 times
- Wenz Day 9 times
- Crazy Mike 7 times
- Matt Furniss 7 times
- Green Date 7 times
- Tyler Glynn 6 times
- Tristan Gorman 6 times
- Heroes and Cons 5 times
- Ultimate Green Day 5 times
- Pedro Aznar 4 times
- Sunset Sunday 4 times
- Billie Joe Armstrong 3 times
- Didirri 3 times
- Hubert Lenoir 3 times
- NELL 3 times
- Primrose 3 times
- Basket Case 2 times
- Dark System 2 times
- Green Days 2 times
- Caroline Lowe 2 times
- The Nonames 2 times
- Yvonne LaCroix 2 times
- Wild People 2 times
- Adequate 1 time
- All Smiles In Wonderland 1 time
- Aloha Tour Band 1 time
- Cataclysm 1 time
- Corporain 1 time
- Elvis Costello & The Imposters 1 time
- Dookie 1 time
- Fire EX. 1 time
- Robert Flynn 1 time
- Geezer 1 time
- Hot Mulligan 1 time
- Christian Lee Hutson 1 time
- KEY 1 time
- Kudai 1 time
- Iris Kymm 1 time
- NateWantsToBattle 1 time
- Old Dirty Brasstards 1 time
- Owen Male 1 time
- Prince Daddy & The Hyena 1 time
- Rafael Nyffenegger 1 time
- Red Box 1 time
- Sead 1 time
- Sleepless Nights 1 time
- The Stiffmeisters 1 time
- Stone Key 1 time
- The Misalignments 1 time
- Will Williams 1 time