Wildest Dreams performed by DragonForce
- Original Artist Taylor Swift
- From the release 1989 (Album)
- Total Plays 77 times by DragonForce
- 352 times by 25 artists
- First Played in Concert October 30, 2023 at Heaven @ The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA, USA
- Most Recently Played October 26, 2024 at Circo Volador, Mexico City, Mexico
Plays by Other Artists
- Taylor Swift 226 times
- Zahara 11 times
- The Native 7 times
- Sophie Powers 4 times
- William Beckmann 3 times
- Death in Rome 2 times
- Itef 2 times
- Lyric 2 times
- The Rock and Roll Playhouse 2 times
- sammy rash 2 times
- Colorblind Dilemma 1 time
- Edgewood String Quartet 1 time
- Ensemble Cherubim 1 time
- I, the Mountain 1 time
- Josie Sanken 1 time
- Lips Speak Louder 1 time
- Rikki Lee Wilson - Love Story - Taylor Swift tribute band 1 time
- Rodrigo Martínez 1 time
- Roses & Revolutions 1 time
- SABAI 1 time
- Sussex String Quartet 1 time
- Taylor Made 1 time
- Tessa Violet 1 time
- The Creature Appeal 1 time