Losfer Words (Big 'Orra) performed by Iron Maiden
- From the release Powerslave (Album)
- Total Plays 72 times by Iron Maiden
- 198 times by 26 artists
- First Played in Concert August 9, 1984 at Hala Torwar, Warsaw, Poland
- Most Recently Played April 17, 1985 at Tokyo Kousei Nenkin Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan
Plays by Other Artists
- The Iron Maidens 74 times
- Maiden uniteD 9 times
- Iron Maidnem 6 times
- Maiden Scotland 6 times
- 9sundays 5 times
- Children of the Beast 3 times
- Hi-On Maiden 3 times
- Phil Hilborne Band 2 times
- The Beast Experience 2 times
- Acid Drinkers 1 time
- Blaze Bayley 1 time
- Coverslave 1 time
- Ed Force One 1 time
- Kalkedon 1 time
- King Size 1 time
- Luis Mariutti 1 time
- Maiden Chicago 1 time
- Rainmaker 1 time
- Raphael Mendes 1 time
- Thalion 1 time
- The Ancient Mariners 1 time
- The Entire Population of Hackney 1 time
- The Killerz 1 time
- The Legacy 1 time
- Why Not 1 time