So Much to Say performed by Jimmy Fallon
- Original Artist Dave Matthews Band
- From the release Crash (Album)
- Total Plays 1 time by Jimmy Fallon
- 1002 times by 14 artists
- First Played in Concert July 24, 1999 at Woodstock '99
- Most Recently Played July 24, 1999 at Woodstock '99
Plays by Other Artists
- Dave Matthews Band 717 times
- The Dave Matthews Tribute Band 101 times
- Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds 78 times
- Trippin' Billies 45 times
- Andrew Mark Schaffer 27 times
- Ethan Flynn 10 times
- Dave Matthews 7 times
- The Band Silhouette 7 times
- Reckless Minds 3 times
- Big Eyed Phish 2 times
- Pushing Daisy's Band 2 times
- Antz Marching 1 time
- In a Nutshell 1 time