Rock Bottom performed by KISS
- From the release Dressed to Kill (Album)
- Total Plays 85 times by KISS
- 175 times by 25 artists
- First Played in Concert January 17, 1975 at Long Beach Arena, Long Beach, CA, USA
- Most Recently Played February 11, 2016 at Badlands Pawn, Gold & Jewelry, Sioux Falls, SD, USA
Plays by Other Artists
- Kings of the Nighttime World 22 times
- Alive! ’75 13 times
- Detroit Rock City 7 times
- Kiss My Ass 5 times
- Unmasked 5 times
- Acoustikiss 4 times
- Bruce Kulick 4 times
- Alive N KISSin' 3 times
- Carnival of KISS 3 times
- KLISS Lik 3 times
- Mr. Speed 3 times
- 10 East 23rd Street 2 times
- Dressed to KISS 2 times
- Dressed to KISS 2 times
- PRISS 2 times
- Room Service 2 times
- Cold Gin 1 time
- Destroyer 1 time
- Egomars 1 time
- KISStroyer 1 time
- Revenge of KISS Tribute 1 time
- Sin City Sinners 1 time
- Sloan 1 time
- Tyler Glynn 1 time