Is That You? performed by KISS Asylum
- Original Artist KISS
- From the release Unmasked (Album)
- Total Plays 1 time by KISS Asylum
- 77 times by 18 artists
- First Played in Concert February 19, 2011 at The Esplanade Hotel, Melbourne, Australia
- Most Recently Played February 19, 2011 at The Esplanade Hotel, Melbourne, Australia
Plays by Other Artists
- KISS 43 times
- Acoustikiss 4 times
- KLISS Lik 4 times
- Unmasked 4 times
- KISS Nation 3 times
- Kiss Forever Band 3 times
- Dressed to KISS 2 times
- Dressed to Kill 2 times
- Egomars 2 times
- Parasites 2 times
- Creatures of the Night 1 time
- Dynasty 1 time
- Hotter Than Hell 1 time
- Kiss Alive Tribute 1 time
- Magic Touch 1 time
- Mr. Speed 1 time
- ONE LIVE KISS 1 time