Frankly, Mr. Shankly performed by Morrissey Indeed
- Original Artist The Smiths
- From the release The Queen Is Dead (Album)
- Total Plays 2 times by Morrissey Indeed
- 86 times by 15 artists
- First Played in Concert June 2, 2018 at Parr Hall, Warrington, England
- Most Recently Played June 16, 2018 at King Tut's Wah Wah Hut, Glasgow, Scotland
1 | 2018 |
Plays by Other Artists
- The Smiths 43 times
- The Smyths 14 times
- Morrissey 9 times
- Caligula Blushed 3 times
- Unloveable 3 times
- Charlie Barnes 2 times
- Biting Elbows 2 times
- These Smiths 2 times
- Blossoms 1 time
- Lilly Hates Roses 1 time
- Michael Shannon & Jason Narducy 1 time
- Prussia 1 time
- The Smiths Indeed 1 time
- Walter Benjamin 1 time