My Hero performed by Nate Smith
- Original Artist Foo Fighters
- From the release The Colour and the Shape (Album)
- Total Plays 22 times by Nate Smith
- 2094 times by 172 artists
- First Played in Concert April 5, 2024 at Lucas Oil Stadium, Indianapolis, IN, USA
- Most Recently Played December 5, 2024 at Brooklyn Bowl Nashville, Nashville, TN, USA
Plays by Other Artists
- Foo Fighters 1054 times
- UK Foo Fighters 238 times
- Danny Mortimer 58 times
- David Cook 57 times
- Royale with Cheese 42 times
- Foo Crew 41 times
- Wyll Simms 34 times
- Foo Fighters GB 33 times
- Foojammers 33 times
- Dave Grohl 24 times
- Will Sims 21 times
- F4 20 times
- Paramore 20 times
- Flight of Silence 16 times
- ÆONIAN 16 times
- Mammoth WVH 14 times
- New Day Rising 14 times
- Josey Scott 13 times
- Kamenar 13 times
- STEREOtype 13 times
- Danny Grams 10 times
- Young Guns 10 times
- Crimsonic 9 times
- Brian Eldridge 8 times
- Undercover 8 times
- Faux Fighters UK 7 times
- Love, Magnolia 6 times
- Painfelt 6 times
- Sead 6 times
- Back & Forth 5 times
- Carl Lindquist 5 times
- Coexistence 5 times
- Aqueous 4 times
- Beloved 4 times
- Fore fighters 4 times
- Good Morning Reality 4 times
- Otherwise 4 times
- Rosie's Cabaret 4 times
- CASL 3 times
- Clint Boge 3 times
- Desatino 3 times
- Four Axis 3 times
- Fresh Pots 3 times
- Go Radio 3 times
- In Crisis 3 times
- In Your Honor 3 times
- Oakdale Drive 3 times
- Ordinary People 3 times
- Pigeons Playing Ping Pong 3 times
- Revera 3 times
- Roll It Over 3 times
- The Picture 3 times
- The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus 3 times
- Various Artists 3 times
- Yester Daze 3 times
- 56 Ace 2 times
- Aaron Watson 2 times
- Banff 2 times
- Birdmilk 2 times
- CJ Solar 2 times
- Checkpoint Echo 2 times
- Danny Grams & Bill Swick 2 times
- Daughtry 2 times
- Faux Fighters 2 times
- Grohl 2 times
- Inglorious 2 times
- Monkey Wrench 2 times
- More Than a Thousand 2 times
- Rockin'1000 2 times
- Rockin'Troopers 2 times
- Sunset Sunday 2 times
- Tafoya 2 times
- The Beagles 2 times
- The Holly Springs Disaster 2 times
- Varsity Blues 2 times
- White Pony 2 times
- Andrew Elt 1 time
- Animal Couch 1 time
- Arde la Sangre 1 time
- Attaque 77 1 time
- Austin Karr 1 time
- Benny Mikula/The Lone Gnome 1 time
- Best of Foo 1 time
- Billie Eilish 1 time
- Black Box Revelation 1 time
- Blood Sport 1 time
- Bobby Amaru 1 time
- Carson Hartog 1 time
- Cefa 1 time
- Chris Holland 1 time
- Chris Yerinides 1 time
- Crobot 1 time
- Dave Eggar 1 time
- Dierks Bentley 1 time
- Dogs in a Pile 1 time
- Dwayne Gretzky 1 time
- ELEW 1 time
- EVER 1 time
- Echo 1 time
- Emicida & Convidados 1 time
- Everlong 1 time
- Fake News 1 time
- Fighting Foos 1 time
- Fingernails Are Pretty 1 time
- Foo Riders 1 time
- Fool Fighters 1 time
- Frankly Scarlet 1 time
- Fu Fighters 1 time
- Glyder 1 time
- Guilt By Association 1 time
- Hal Sparks 1 time
- Hero the Band 1 time
- Ingram Hill 1 time
- Jack Morris 1 time
- Jolly Roger 1 time
- Jones 1 time
- Kensington 1 time
- Koko Powell 1 time
- Kung FOO Fighters 1 time
- LAMPUS 1 time
- Ledfly 1 time
- Loop 1 time
- Mackenzie Moore 1 time
- Mayday Parade 1 time
- Máquina Monstro 1 time
- Nate Smith 1 time
- Nevasca 1 time
- Newspring Worship 1 time
- No Elevator 1 time
- Once Below Joy 1 time
- Overdrive Orchestra 1 time
- Paceshifters 1 time
- Paolo Vallinari 1 time
- Peace Freak 1 time
- Poppy 1 time
- Prince Daddy & The Hyena 1 time
- Rival Waves 1 time
- Rock & Roll Institute 1 time
- Roymackonkey 1 time
- SKAM 1 time
- Sam Fitzgerald 1 time
- Sammy Hagar & The Circle 1 time
- School of Rock 1 time
- Serratonin 1 time
- Seth Cloe and the Silver Liners 1 time
- Sleep/less 1 time
- Squeegee & Da Mop 1 time
- TAUKing McGee 1 time
- The 4onthefloor 1 time
- The Alpaca Gnomes 1 time
- The Alt Rocks 1 time
- The Amazons 1 time
- The Atomic Youth 1 time
- The Creature Appeal 1 time
- The Flannels 1 time
- The Lottery Winners 1 time
- The Million Reasons 1 time
- The Rays 1 time
- The Swellers 1 time
- The Waybacks 1 time
- Tide 1 time
- Toolbox 1 time
- Trevor Wood 1 time
- Undercover 1 time
- Underoath 1 time
- Willy Radio DJ's 1 time
- ZAMAR! 1 time
- downey 1 time
- fantasy of a broken heart 1 time
- the krypteia collective. 1 time