Trains performed by Porcupine Tree
- From the release In Absentia (Album)
- Total Plays 376 times by Porcupine Tree
- 476 times by 19 artists
- First Played in Concert March 15, 2003 at Bikini, Barcelona, Spain
- Most Recently Played August 5, 2023 at Musik im Park 2023
Plays by Other Artists
- Steven Wilson 62 times
- Darren Roberts 14 times
- The Dark Third 4 times
- Voida 3 times
- Asimétrica 2 times
- Lavender 2 times
- Until Rain 2 times
- Aëdon 1 time
- Art of Simplicity 1 time
- Christopher Wilkinson 1 time
- Compile 1 time
- Drummershy 1 time
- Graphic 1 time
- The Mazeist 1 time
- Mr. Autumn 1 time
- Projected Twin 1 time
- Slush 1 time
- Stoned Jesus 1 time