- (Nice Dream) (158)
- 15 Step (182)
- 2 + 2 = 5 (159)
- 4 Minute Warning (11)
- A Punchup at a Wedding (50)
- A Reminder (4)
- A Wolf at the Door (60)
- After the Gold Rush (1)
- Airbag (305)
- All I Need (126)
- Anyone Can Play Guitar (211)
- Backdrifts (49)
- Banana Co. (108)
- Bangers + Mash (59)
- Bishop's Robes (23)
- Black Star (92)
- Bloom (136)
- Blow Out (115)
- Bodysnatchers (194)
- Bones (276)
- Bullet Proof..I Wish I Was (157)
- Burn the Witch (41)
- Ceremony (1)
- Cinnamon Girl (4)
- Climbing Up the Walls (248)
- Codex (12)
- Crazy Little Thing Called Love (1)
- Creep (416)
- Cut a Hole (2)
- Cymbal Rush (13)
- Daydreaming (77)
- Decks Dark (27)
- Desert Island Disk (55)
- Dollars and Cents (113)
- Down Is the New Up (14)
- Electioneering (63)
- Everything in Its Right Place (383)
- Exit Music (For a Film) (297)
- Faithless, the Wonder Boy (44)
- Fake Plastic Trees (423)
- Faust Arp (55)
- FeelingPulledApartByHorses (1)
- Feral (74)
- Fog (7)
- Follow Me Around (11)
- Ful Stop (86)
- Gagging Order (1)
- Give Up the Ghost (72)
- Glass Eyes (3)
- Go Slowly (18)
- Go to Sleep (75)
- Happy Birthday to You (1)
- High and Dry (173)
- Hooked on Classics (1)
- House of Cards (85)
- How Can You Be Sure? (2)
- How Do You? (34)
- How to Disappear Completely (188)
- I Am a Wicked Child (2)
- I Can't (8)
- I Might Be Wrong (177)
- I Promise (19)
- I Want None of This (4)
- I Will (19)
- I'll Wear It Proudly (1)
- Identikit (86)
- Idioteque (368)
- Improvisation (1)
- In Limbo (57)
- India Rubber (1)
- Inside My Head (48)
- Jigsaw Falling Into Place (66)
- Just (406)
- Karma Police (349)
- Kid A (118)
- Killer Cars (33)
- Knives Out (57)
- Let Down (119)
- Life in a Glasshouse (1)
- Lift (35)
- Like Spinning Plates (68)
- Little by Little (26)
- Lotus Flower (115)
- Lozenge of Love (7)
- Lucky (422)
- Lurgee (114)
- Man of War (18)
- Maquiladora (23)
- Meeting in the Aisle (4)
- Million Dollar Question (16)
- Money (That's What I Want) (1)
- Morning Bell (162)
- Morning Mr. Magpie (68)
- Motion Picture Soundtrack (31)
- My Iron Lung (441)
- Myxomatosis (170)
- No Surprises (316)
- Nobody Does It Better (15)
- Nothing Touches Me (7)
- Nude (219)
- On the Beach (1)
- Optimistic (96)
- Packt Like Sardines in a Crushd Tin Box (28)
- Palo Alto (1)
- Paranoid Android (451)
- Pearly* (36)
- Permanent Daylight (41)
- Philipa Chicken (3)
- Piano for Children (2)
- Planet Telex (266)
- Polyethylene (Part 2) (13)
- Pop Is Dead (88)
- Present Tense (36)
- Prove Yourself (149)
- Punchdrunk Lovesick Singalong (11)
- Pyramid Song (250)
- Reckoner (171)
- Rhinestone Cowboy (6)
- Ripcord (120)
- Rock and Roll (1)
- Sail to the Moon (84)
- Scatterbrain (48)
- Separator (78)
- Shot by Both Sides (1)
- Sing a Song for You (3)
- Sit Down. Stand Up. (79)
- Skrting on the Surface (3)
- Smear (2)
- So. Central Rain (1)
- Spectre (7)
- Spooks (18)
- Staircase (45)
- Stop Whispering (134)
- Street Spirit (Fade Out) (463)
- Stupid Car (1)
- Subterranean Homesick Alien (106)
- Sulk (13)
- Supercollider (22)
- Swing (1)
- Talk Show Host (240)
- Tell Me Why (1)
- The Amazing Sounds of Orgy (6)
- The Bends (403)
- The Daily Mail (44)
- The Gloaming (234)
- The Headmaster Ritual (1)
- The National Anthem (311)
- The Numbers (60)
- The Thief (10)
- The Tourist (81)
- The Trickster (10)
- There There (284)
- These Are My Twisted Words (17)
- Thinking About You (64)
- Tinker Tailor Soldier Sailor Rich Man Poor Man Beggar Man Thief (5)
- Treefingers (2)
- True Love Waits (24)
- Union City Blue (1)
- Unravel (1)
- Untogether (1)
- Up on the Ladder (8)
- Vegetable (110)
- Videotape (110)
- We Suck Young Blood (26)
- Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (189)
- What Is That You See? (2)
- Where Bluebirds Fly (2)
- Where I End and You Begin (110)
- Yes I Am (26)
- You (201)
- You and Whose Army? (206)
Maquiladora performed by Radiohead
- From the release High & Dry / Planet Telex (Single)
- Total Plays 23 times by Radiohead
- 27 times by 2 artists
- First Played in Concert January 13, 1993 at Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, Egham, England
- Most Recently Played November 10, 1997 at Capitol, Hanover, Germany