She's the One performed by Ramones
- From the release Road to Ruin (Album)
- Total Plays 147 times by Ramones
- 398 times by 18 artists
- First Played in Concert August 1, 1978 at Red Lion Inn, Champaign, IL, USA
- Most Recently Played February 5, 1991 at CLUB CITTA', Kawasaki, Japan
Plays by Other Artists
- Marky Ramone’s Blitzkrieg 134 times
- C.J. Ramone 37 times
- Marky Ramone 33 times
- Nitrones 26 times
- MORONES 3 times
- Nyanderthal 3 times
- Romanos 3 times
- Olifanteh 2 times
- The Ramonas 2 times
- Danny Vapid 1 time
- Kalifornia BPR 1 time
- Problems? 1 time
- Ramones Mania 1 time
- Ramonos 1 time
- Red Hot Chili Peppers 1 time
- Rhett Miller 1 time
- Road II Ruin 1 time