Come On, Let's Go performed by Ritchie Valens
- From the release Ritchie Valens (Album)
- Total Plays 4 times by Ritchie Valens
- 848 times by 18 artists
- First Played in Concert September 27, 1958 at KPIX-TV Studios, San Francisco, CA, USA
- Most Recently Played February 2, 1959 at Surf Ballroom, Clear Lake, IA, USA
Plays by Other Artists
- Los Lobos 788 times
- NRBQ 21 times
- The Radioactive Chicken Heads 7 times
- Pat Benatar 6 times
- Rick Derringer 5 times
- 22‐Pistepirkko 3 times
- Baby Macaroni 3 times
- Showaddywaddy 2 times
- Elvert Under Ground 1 time
- The Flashcubes 1 time
- Ricky Martin 1 time
- The McCoys 1 time
- Richie Lee & The Fabulous 50's 1 time
- Peter Rowan 1 time
- Patti Smith 1 time
- Bruce Springsteen 1 time
- The Windbreakers 1 time