Show all 533 The Wiggles songs
- 1 Minute Silence (2)
- A Friendly Little Spider (1)
- A Sailor Went to Sea Hornpipe (9)
- Advance Australia Fair (2)
- Agapame Tin Athena (We Love Athens) (23)
- And the World Is One on a Christmas Morning (1)
- Another Cuppa (124)
- Anthony's Music Lesson - Name that Sound (1)
- Anthony's Workshop (5)
- Apple Crumble (1)
- Apples & Bananas / Fruit Salad (22)
- Apples and Bananas (695)
- Archie's Theme (15)
- Australia (1)
- Away in a Manger (3)
- B-I-N-G-O (3)
- Ba Ba da Bicycle Ride (1)
- Baa Baa Black Sheep (9)
- Baby Beluga (37)
- Baby Shark (589)
- Balla Balla Bambina (10)
- Ballerina, Ballerina (40)
- Banjo Breakdown (2)
- Barren Rocks of Aden (58)
- Basil the Cat (1)
- Bathtime (23)
- Beach, Beach, Sandy Beach (9)
- Beds Are Burning (2)
- Beer Barrel Polka (9)
- Big Red Car (36)
- Big Red Ute (14)
- Bin Night (27)
- Black Velvet Band (3)
- Bok the Dancing Puppet (460)
- Bok the Super Puppet (64)
- Boom, Boom, Boom, You're a Superhero (88)
- Bouncing Balls (138)
- Bow Wow Wow (12)
- Brisé in the Breeze (9)
- Brown Girl in the Ring (52)
- Brush Your Pet's Hair (1)
- Bubbles! (68)
- Bucket of Dew (23)
- Bump a Deedle (16)
- Bump a Deedle / Shakin Like A Leafy Tree (1)
- Bunny Hop (1)
- Butterflies Flit (96)
- C'est Wags, C'est Bon (9)
- Can You (Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?) (1174)
- Captain Feathersword (99)
- Captain Feathersword Fell Asleep on His Pirate Ship (Quack Quack) (623)
- Captain Works With One Feather (5)
- Captain's Barnyard Dance (9)
- Captain's Magic Buttons (77)
- Captain’s Magic Buttons (1)
- Caterina's Red Machina / Hey Tsehay! / Lucia's Theme (7)
- Caterina's Red Machina / Hey Tsehay! / Lucia's Theme / Her Name's Evie (14)
- Caterina's Red Machina / Hey Tsehay! / My Name Is Lucia (2)
- Caterina's Red Machina / Hey Tsehay! / My Name Is Lucia / Her Name's Evie (38)
- Caveland (20)
- Central Park New York (57)
- Christmas Barcarolle (7)
- Christmas Picnic (32)
- Christmas Polka (19)
- Christmas Star (20)
- CinderEmma Was a Kind-Hearted Girl (11)
- CinderEmma Yoo-Hoo! (11)
- Cinders Works With One Brush (11)
- Clap Your Hands With Dorothy (1)
- Cocky Want a Cracker (33)
- Come On Down to Wiggle Town (21)
- Come on Let's Jump (2)
- Counting 1 to 5 (1)
- Crazy Little Thing Called Love (3)
- Crossing the Minch (8)
- Cube Acrobatics (4)
- Curoo Curoo (77)
- D-I-N-G-O (6)
- D.O.R.O.T.H.Y. (My Favourite Dinosaur) (384)
- Dance a Cachuca (7)
- Dance Dance! (15)
- Dance the Ballet With Our Friends (11)
- Dance the Ooby Doo (With Dorothy the Dinosaur) (66)
- Dance Together (5)
- Dance Wags Dance (26)
- Dance With the Dolls and Fairies (1)
- Dance with the Tree of Wisdom (58)
- Dancing in the Sand (33)
- Dancing Queen (1)
- Dancing Ride (56)
- Demi Plié (17)
- Di Dicki Do Dum (356)
- Di Dicki Do Dum / Now's the Time for Dressing Up (1)
- Dial E for Emma (4)
- Ding Dong Merrily on High (19)
- Dingo Tango (1)
- Dippy Do Dinosaur Dance (285)
- Do the Hawk (1)
- Do The Highland Fling / Crossing The Minchy (3)
- Do the Highland Fling / Di Dicki Do Dum (1)
- Do the Highland Fling / Reel / Scotland the Brave (7)
- Do the Owl (47)
- Do the Pretzel (5)
- Do the Propeller (825)
- Do the Skeleton Scat! (378)
- Do the Wiggle Groove (166)
- Do Your Ears Hang Low? (1)
- Doing a Dance (13)
- Doing a Handstand (90)
- Dolls and Fairies on Parade (2)
- Dorothy (Would You Like to Dance?) (295)
- Dorothy Doll (1)
- Dorothy Pas De Deux (47)
- Dorothy the Dinosaur (183)
- Dorothy the Dinosaur Goes Round and Round (2)
- Dorothy, Pick Roses With Me (22)
- Dorothy, Queen of the Roses (14)
- Dorothy's Birthday Party (64)
- Dorothy's Dance Party (78)
- Dorothy's Special Christmas Cake (8)
- Down Under (2)
- Dr. Knickerbocker (121)
- Dressing Up (82)
- Drum Line (20)
- Eagle Rock (69)
- Elephant (94)
- Emma (with the Bow in Her Hair) (27)
- Emma Drives the Car (1)
- Emma's Christmas Bow (4)
- Emma's Music Box (34)
- Emma's Reverence (22)
- Emma's Special Bow (2)
- Emma's Theme (141)
- Emma's Yellow Bow (87)
- England Swings (2)
- English Country Garden (55)
- Everybody Dance (11)
- Everybody Is Clever (20)
- Everybody, I Have a Question (12)
- Fairy Godfather (11)
- Feeling Chirpy (5)
- Feeling Hungry / Fruit Salad / Hot Potato (2)
- Feeling Hungry / Fruit Salad / Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car (1)
- Feliz Navidad (17)
- Finger Family (332)
- Fire Truck Rolling (2)
- Five Little Ducks (222)
- Five Little Joeys (71)
- Five Little Monkeys (115)
- Fly Through the Sky (3)
- Follow the Leader (105)
- Freddy Fish, Freddy Fish, Turn Around (1)
- Fruit Salad (888)
- Fruit Salad / Hot Potato (9)
- Fruit Salad / Hot Potato / Can You (Point Your Fingers And Do The Twist?) (2)
- Fruit Salad / Hot Potato / Do the Propeller! (11)
- Fruit Salad / Hot Potato / Taba Naba / Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car (3)
- Fruit Salad / Rock-a-Bye Your Bear / Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car / Can You (Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?) (8)
- Fruit Salad / Rock-a-Bye Your Bear / Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car / Quack Quack (32)
- Fruit Salad / Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car (6)
- Fruit Salad TV Theme (1)
- Fruit Salad/Hot Potato/Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car/Do the Propeller (2)
- Fruitie in My Hat (8)
- Galloping Ballet (1)
- Georgia (on My Mind) (1)
- Get Ready to Wiggle (315)
- Getting Strong! (144)
- Glasgow City Police Pipers (1)
- Glasgow Police Pipers (5)
- Glendural Highlanders March (4)
- Go Captain Feathersword, Ahoy! (23)
- Go Santa Go (115)
- Goodbye Bok (1)
- Goodbye Bubbles (26)
- Goodbye Dorothy (4)
- Goodbye From Wiggle Town (2)
- Goodbye Henry (170)
- Goodbye Shirley Shawn and Wags (3)
- Goodbye Wags (36)
- Great Big Man in Red (60)
- Gregory Griggs (1)
- Guitar Solo (10)
- Gymkhana Yodel (1)
- Half Man, Half Cat (1)
- Handwashing Song (18)
- Happy (3)
- Happy Birthday to You (29)
- Haru Ga Kita (7)
- Hat on My Head (26)
- Have a Good Day (Kia Pai to Rā) (14)
- Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes (52)
- Hello Henry! (402)
- Hello to the Resting Cows (1)
- Hello Wags (22)
- Hello, Hello, Welcome to the Lachy Wiggle Show (164)
- Hello, My Name Is Emma (5)
- Hello, We're The Wiggles (303)
- Henry Likes Water (31)
- Henry the Octopus (117)
- Henry Works With Eight Hammers (107)
- Henry Works With Eight Tentacles (14)
- Henry's Christmas Dance (28)
- Henry's Christmas Merengue (57)
- Henry's Dance (377)
- Henry's Merengue (78)
- Henry's Underwater Big Band (44)
- Her Name's Evie (2)
- Here Come Our Friends (67)
- Here Come the Reindeer (170)
- Here Come the Wiggles (161)
- Here Comes a Bear (377)
- Here Comes Santa Claus (Right Down Santa Claus Lane) (2)
- Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush (14)
- Hey Hey It's Saturday (2)
- Hey Tsehay! (334)
- Hey Tsehay! / Lucia's Theme / Simon Says / Caterina's Red Machina (12)
- Hey Tsehay! / Lucia's Theme / Simon Says / Caterina's Red Machina / Her Name's Evie (6)
- Hey Wags (163)
- Hey, Hey, Hey, We're All Pirate Dancing (77)
- High Road to Linton (5)
- Hip Hop Dance Song (1)
- Hokey Pokey (63)
- Home Among the Gum Trees (5)
- Hoop Dee Doo (7)
- Hoop-Dee-Doo (203)
- Hot Poppin' Popcorn (23)
- Hot Potato (1363)
- Hot Potato / Dippy Do Dinosaur Dance / Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car (1)
- Hot Potato / Do The Propeller! / Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car (1)
- Hound Dog (2)
- How Are We Going to Wake Up Jeff? (9)
- How Many Fingers Do I See? (12)
- Hula Hula Hula (Nothing Could Be Cooler!) (2)
- Hula, Hula Baby (11)
- Humpty Dumpty (68)
- I Am a Dancer (64)
- I Like Goats (1)
- I Love It When It Rains (22)
- I Love to Have a Dance With Dorothy (1)
- I Wave My Arms and Swing My Baton (54)
- I Went to the Library (15)
- I'll Tell Me Ma (31)
- I'm a Cow (107)
- I'm a Little Teapot (2)
- I'm Evie, I Wear Ballet Shoes! (31)
- I'm Fiona, I'm Forte (10)
- I'm John, I'm Strong! (503)
- I'm the Tree of Wisdom (35)
- I've Got My Glasses On (13)
- If You're Happy and You Know It (459)
- Immigrant Song (2)
- In the Big Red Car We Like to Ride (38)
- In The Wiggles' World (20)
- Incy Wincy Spider (1)
- It's a Christmas Party, on the Goodship Feathersword (28)
- It's a Feather Party on the Goodship Feathersword (4)
- It's a Long Way to the Top (If You Wanna Rock 'n' Roll) (1)
- It's a Wiggly Circus (8)
- It's Always Christmas With You! (9)
- Itchy Fingers (Jimmy's Sea Shanty) (2)
- Itsy Bitsy Spider (232)
- Jack and Jill (3)
- Jeff's Favorite Instrument (3)
- Jelly on a Plate (2)
- Jimmy the Elf (19)
- Jingle Bells (162)
- Joannie Works With One Hammer (612)
- Joannie Works With One Hammer / Hoop-Dee-Doo (1)
- John Bradlelum (1)
- Johnny Works With One Hammer (50)
- Just Can't Wait for Christmas Day (19)
- Knees Up Mother Brown (1)
- Koala-By (1)
- Lachy! (167)
- Lachy! Live Skit (1)
- Lavenders Blue (5)
- Let's Clap Hands for Santa Claus (1)
- Let's Clap Hands for Santa Claus / Go Santa Go / Henry's Christmas Dance / Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Christmas Car (4)
- Let's Dance With the Fairies (11)
- Let's Go Riding with Ponzo the Pony (21)
- Let's Have a Party (Instrumental) (250)
- Let's Wake Jeff Up! (3)
- Let's Wake Up Jeff Again! (3)
- Let’s Put the Pop in the Popcorn! (1)
- Lights, Camera, Action, Wiggles! (123)
- Little Bunny Foo Foo (12)
- Little Miss Muffet (15)
- Little Peter Rabbit (1)
- Little Sir Echo (8)
- Londonderry Hornpipe (2)
- Look Both Ways (126)
- Love Is in the Air (1)
- Love Is Like A Butterfly (1)
- Lucia and Evie's Theme (6)
- Mamma Mia (1)
- Maranoa Lullaby (4)
- Marie's Wedding (47)
- Marshmallow (36)
- Mary Had a Little Lamb (22)
- Medley Intro (4)
- Melbourne Amore (18)
- Michael Finnegan (93)
- Michaud (2)
- Mischief the Monkey (15)
- Miss Lucy Had a Ducky (1)
- Miss Polly Had a Dolly (91)
- Monkey Man (17)
- Mop Mop (31)
- Morningtown Ride (4)
- Move Like an Emu (48)
- Move Your Arms Like Henry (164)
- Mr Polly Had a Dolly (1)
- Mr Wardrobe (8)
- Mr. Pop (1)
- Murray's Christmas Samba (32)
- Murray's Guitar Saved the World (8)
- Music Box Dancer (119)
- Music With Murray (50)
- My Hat it has Three Corners (1)
- My Name Is Lucia (1)
- Network Wiggles News (50)
- Nicky Nacky Nocky Noo (79)
- Numbers Rhumba (15)
- Nursery Rhymes Medley (16)
- Nutbush City Limits (24)
- Nya Nya Nya (38)
- Officer Beaples' Dance (23)
- Oh Canberra (1)
- Okiaan AKA Skokiaan (1)
- Okki Tokki Unga (96)
- Old Dan Tucker (17)
- Old MacDonald Had a Farm (3)
- Old Man Emu (14)
- Old Town Road (4)
- On the Sidewalks of New York (1)
- One, Two, Three, Four, Five (9)
- Ooey, Ooey, Ooey Allergies (11)
- Ooh It's Captain Feathersword (120)
- Open, Shut Them (64)
- Orange and Blue (7)
- Our Boat Is Rocking on the Sea (23)
- Overture (191)
- Paddy the Piper (1)
- Paloma the Mermaid (124)
- Pappadum (73)
- Peanut Butter (7)
- Picking All the Flowers (23)
- Play the Bass Guitar (10)
- Play Your Guitar With Anto (46)
- Play Your Guitar With Murray (233)
- Play Your Guitar With Murray / Sydney Barcarolle / Dorothy (Would You Like to Dance?) (1)
- Plucka Duck Theme (1)
- Poesje Mauw (1)
- Ponies (28)
- Pop Goes the Weasel (13)
- Pub Feed (9)
- Pufferbillies (19)
- Pufferbillies / Joannie Works With One Hammer (2)
- Pufferbillies / The Monkey Dance (1)
- Pull a Funny Face (1)
- Pull a Funny Face With Simon (148)
- Pumpkin Fancy (1)
- Pusky Dusky (2)
- Put on Your Party Hats (1)
- Quack Quack (Short) (1)
- Que Sera (56)
- Racing Cars (1)
- Ready, Steady, Wiggle! (42)
- Ride a Cock-Horse (2)
- Riding Boots (1)
- Ring-A-Ding-A-Ding Dong (37)
- Ring-A-Ring O' Rosy (5)
- Rock & Roll Preschool (14)
- Rock-a-Bye Your Bear (1490)
- Rock-a-Bye Your Bear / Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car / Can You (Point Your Fingers and Do the Twist?) (6)
- Rockin' Santa (7)
- Rockin' with Anto! (41)
- Rolling Down the Sandhills (61)
- Romp Bomp a Stomp (615)
- Rose Collection Song (7)
- Rose Solo Mio & Poster Reading Song (6)
- Round and Round the Garden (243)
- Row, Row, Row Your Boat (131)
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (22)
- Running Up the Sandhills (61)
- Sailing Around the World (52)
- Sailing Around the World / Dancing in the Sand / Swim Like a Fish / Agapame Tin Athena (We Love Athens) / England Swings / We're Dancing With Wags the Dog / Wags Loves to Shake Shake / Bow Wow Wow (1)
- Santa's Festive Fun Dance (3)
- Say Goodbye, Pizza Pie! (13)
- Say the Dance, Do the Dance (676)
- Scotland the Brave (1)
- Scrubby, Dub, Dub (1)
- Shake Your Sillies Out (32)
- Shake Your Sillies Out / Fruit Salad / Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car (1)
- Shake Your Sillies Out / Fruit Salad / Toot Toot Chugga Chugga Big Red Car / Wiggle Bay (3)
- Shaky Shaky (46)
- She's the One (1)
- Shirley Shawn the Unicorn (334)
- Shoulder Pop (1)
- Sign Reading Song (116)
- Silent Night (54)
- Silver Bells That Ring in the Night (23)
- Simon Says (623)
- Sing With Me (38)
- Six Months in a Leaky Boat (10)
- Skinnamarink (34)
- Social Distancing (2)
- SOS (1)
- Spot the Dalmatian (17)
- St. Patrick's Day (18)
- Stand Up, Clap, Sit Down (5)
- Stayin' Alive (1)
- Super Anto (8)
- Super Trouper (1)
- Sur le Pont d'Avignon (16)
- Surfer Bop (1)
- Suspicious Minds (9)
- Swedish Rhapsody (13)
- Sweet Caroline (24)
- Swim Like a Fish (157)
- Sydney Barcarolle (11)
- Taba Naba (120)
- Tales of the Symphony Orchestra (1)
- Talking Cow (2)
- Tap Wags (27)
- Tapping on the Sidewalks of New York (1)
- Teddy Bear Family (28)
- Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear, Turn Around (165)
- Teddy Bears Big Day Out (22)
- That's All Right (1)
- That's the End of Our Act 1 (11)
- The ABC Song (67)
- The ABC Song / Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star (5)
- The Alphabet Ballet (3)
- The Bear Hunt (16)
- The Beautiful Ballet Parade (1)
- The Corroboree Frog (5)
- The Cowboy Dance (1)
- The Crocodile Hunter (11)
- The Dance of the Scottish Horses (15)
- The Fairy Dance (31)
- The Fairy Dance (Instrumental) (28)
- The Four Presents (1)
- The Giraffe (25)
- The Highland Cradle Song / Di Dicki Do Dum (2)
- The Monkey Dance (699)
- The Monkey Dance / Where's Jeff? (1)
- The Music of the Ballet Orchestra (84)
- The New Zealand Alphabet (10)
- The Rattlin' Bog (603)
- The Road To The Isles (Do The Highland Fling!) / Di Dicki Do Dum (4)
- The Road to the Isles (Do the Highland Fling) (63)
- The Sailor's Christmas Hornpipe (9)
- The Shimmie Shake (103)
- The Wheels on the Bus (380)
- the wiggle owl (1)
- The Wiggly Collection Song (63)
- The Wiggly Owl Medley (79)
- The Wonder of Wiggle Town (1)
- There Are So Many Animals (13)
- There Was a Princess (29)
- This Little Baby Is Born Again (1)
- This Little Piggy (6)
- Three Little Ducks (2)
- Three Little Joeys (7)
- Three Little Monkeys (22)
- Three Little Wrens (1)
- Thunderstruck (4)
- Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport (83)
- To Have a Tea Party (9)
- Today (1)
- Toot Toot, Chugga Chugga, Big Red Car (679)
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (851)
- Two Fine Gentlemen (21)
- Two Polite Elvises (4)
- Uncle Noah's Ark (120)
- Up, Down, Turn Around (48)
- Viking Clap (7)
- Vini Vini (140)
- Wags Loves to Shake Shake (32)
- Wags the Dog (80)
- Wags The Dog & Sam Mac dance off (1)
- Wags the Dog, He Likes to Tango (275)
- Wags the Dog, Wags the Dog, Turn Around (8)
- Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go (1)
- Wake Up Jeff! (160)
- Wake Up! (4)
- Waltz With Dolls and Fairies (5)
- Waltzing Matilda (13)
- Waterloo (1)
- Wave to Emma (4)
- Wave to Wags (96)
- We Like to Say Hello (38)
- We're All Friends (1)
- We're All Fruit Salad! (48)
- We're Dancing With Wags the Dog (536)
- We're the Cowboys (3)
- Weather, Weather, Weather (50)
- What Do You Suppose (1)
- When I Hear the Music of the Orchestra (1)
- When I Hear the Music of the Sydney Opera House (1)
- Whenever I Hear This Music (126)
- Where Is Thumbkin? (2)
- Where's Jeff? (78)
- Who Got Da Bones? (5)
- Who Stole the Cookie from the Cookie Jar? (9)
- Who's in the Wigglehouse? (85)
- Wiggle 2012 Medley (1)
- Wiggle Bay (39)
- Wiggle Hula (1)
- Wiggle Town Dancing Police Force (11)
- Wiggle Up Giddy Up (1)
- Wiggle Your Ears (105)
- Wiggle, Wiggle, Wiggle! (2)
- Wiggletto (5)
- Wiggling All Over The World (1)
- Wiggly Christmas Medley (148)
- Wiggly Circus Jubilee (22)
- Wiggly Dance Off (1)
- Wiggly Go-Go Medley (53)
- Wiggly Mashup (7)
- Wiggly Medley (107)
- Wiggly Party (63)
- Wiggly Showtime (20)
- Wiggly Wiggly Christmas (19)
- Wobbly Camel (40)
- Yellow Bird (9)
- You Can Play the Ukulele (19)
- You Make Me Feel Like Dancing (17)
- Your Song (2)
- Zamel the Camel has Five Humps (1)
- Zorba's Dance (33)
Joannie Works With One Hammer performed by The Wiggles
- From the release Big Red Car (Album)
- Total Plays 612 times by The Wiggles
- 612 times by 1 artist
- First Played in Concert March 6, 1995 at Albert Hall, Canberra, Australia
- Most Recently Played January 21, 2025 at Tamworth Country Music Festival 2025