Dreams performed by Van Halen
- From the release 5150 (Album)
- Total Plays 319 times by Van Halen
- 535 times by 19 artists
- First Played in Concert May 3, 1986 at Market Square Arena, Indianapolis, IN, USA
- Most Recently Played November 19, 2004 at Anselmo Valencia Amphitheater, Tucson, AZ, USA
Plays by Other Artists
- Sammy Hagar 125 times
- Sammy Hagar & The Circle 43 times
- Sammy Hagar and the Wabos 19 times
- Rolls Rock 8 times
- Hangar 4 times
- Van Hagar 3 times
- Fighter V 2 times
- Strip n' Shout 2 times
- Arnel Pineda 1 time
- DV8 1 time
- Danny Mortimer 1 time
- Frank Solari 1 time
- Jessie's Girl 1 time
- Jonathan Byrd 1 time
- Michele Luppi 1 time
- Nostalgia 1 time
- Rockstars Not Dead 1 time
- Simon Hosford 1 time