
Ananoriel's user profile image



Member since August 24, 2022
Last seen April 10, 2024
Edits so far 54
Edits last month 0


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Hey. I have a question about a concert you attended from the band "Mightiest" in either 2018 or 2023. I don't have much experience with this site but you're the only person i've seen on-line that attended, so it would be great if you could get back to me. I used to know the guys, so this is important to me and i've been trying to find someone that was there for a while. Unsure if replies are a thing on this site. If they're not, then you can contact me at Thanks for your time

As you can see on the link of your source for the desertfest there were three stages mentioned. For festivals we don't use the stages name, but this festival was held at Trix venue, which consists of different halls.
As an attendee you should know what groups you saw in what hall, so please update the information at
See the different previous editions.

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