DarthVander's setlist.fm

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Member since June 19, 2009
Last seen February 3, 2025
Edits so far 90
Edits last month 0


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Hello. I am a huge fan of Phil Collins and Genesis. I saw that you were at Phil's concert in Budapest 2005. Do you have any recordings from this show? I would be very grateful if you have any. Of course, if you have any other unknown recordings of Phil and Genesis, I would be happy to exchange them for mine. :))))) Best regards.

Hi, do you have any videos of Black Bonzo at the Luminaire on 7/23/2010 (or 23/7/2010 - however you write your dates)?

If so, could you email me at isaacburdiss273@gmail.com? I really like that band. I've even messaged Magnus before.

Hi! I see you were to 5 Peter Gabriel’s shows! That’s cool

I’m interested in 2003-2004 shows. Did you take any photos/videos/audios? If no, it’s fine, but please let me know, so I’ll search further :)

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