
Eatmusic's user profile image


Name Christoph Brunner Caffi
Instagram stoeff


Member since August 2, 2017
Last seen October 5, 2024
Edits so far 296
Edits last month 2


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Hi! I saw that you went to Robbie Williams on Zurich. I would like to know if you have bootlegs of him? I have lot since 1997 (from audience, radio, tv) if you want to trade the files. Also I know that the gig on Zurich was taped

Thanks :)

Hi! I saw that you visited Peter Gabriel’s 2004 show in Zürich. Do you have any photos/videos/audios from that concert? The reason I’m interested is because this show included “Baby Man” song, which was played only 9 times

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Eatmusic saw 248 different artists.