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Member since June 30, 2016
Last seen February 7, 2025
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Not sure if this is where I contact you or not, but you left a note in the "Jeff Buckley @ Above Brainwash, SF 1994" setlist saying you had a recording of that show. I'd love to hear it again. My band opened for Jeff that night. I still have a flyer for the show somewhere.

I'm 90% certain that he played the song you posted in Lancaster on 5/7. I remember the Ghosts line. I don't believe he played it on 5/9, though; it seemed like maybe he was mixing up old material.

I will listen to the other song and let you know if it sounds familiar.

And, yeah, as an angsty child of the nineties, Nine Inch Nails is probably my favorite band of all time. I see them whenever I can, but it's gotten sort of weird now that it's all middle aged people. I suppose it happens to all of us. They're still good, though. I can't say I'm as big a fan of Boyz II Men, but they were enjoyable too and really ran through all the hits.


I was definitely there for the Felice Brothers primarily, but I know that he did play some of his older material because he mentioned it being older. I don't really know his catalog well, but if there were any particular songs you were wondering about, I'd probably be able to say yes/no by remembering lyrics.