FlurryPrincess's setlist.fm

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Member since March 19, 2014
Last seen January 18, 2024
Edits so far 23
Edits last month 0


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Hello, I know soadjpg has asked before, but I see that you attended 5 system of a down shows from 1998-2003, how where any of those shows? I was also happening to know if you do actualy have any recordings or photos from any of those events, if not, do you happen to know anyone else who does? thanks in advance!


Hey, I saw that you went to a System of a Down concert in 1998, that's awesome! Do you still have any stuff of them from these times? Like photos, videos, tickets/flyers, etc. If yes, reply me via e-mail please: soad.jpg@gmail.com


Hi FlurryPrincess,

I thought you would like to know that I have corrected your Babes In Toyland setlist. I hope that you are happy in having all the correct running order and titles now. It was a great show wasn't it?

Best wishes,


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