HarryvanEck's setlist.fm

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Member since December 28, 2016
Last seen September 28, 2024
Edits so far 0
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Hi, your Floyd setlist entry for the show on 18th February 1977 at Ahoy totally piqued my interest.
There are plenty of tickets images from their 1977 In The Flesh Animals Tour yet bizarrely there seems to be no evidence of any tickets from any of the three consecutive Rotterdam shows. Was it maybe because the name 'Pink Floyd' did not appear on the actual ticket and so many were thrown away?
If you still have your ticket/stub, would you be able to send a scanned image of it? It would be greatly appreciated. I can offer in exchange ticket scans of one or two of the other PF shows you saw, if you wish.
Hoping you still have it of course :)
Kind regards

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HarryvanEck saw 81 different artists.