JFH65's setlist.fm

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Member since February 18, 2016
Last seen January 29, 2025
Edits so far 519
Edits last month 0


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As you can see on the link of your source for the desertfest there were three stages mentioned. For festivals we don't use the stages name, but this festival was held at Trix venue, which consists of different halls.
As an attendee you should know what groups you saw in what hall, so please update the information at https://www.setlist.fm/festival/2022/desertfest-belgium-2022-7bd4ca24.html
See the different previous editions.

you can change the artist yourself by clicking edit venue and date, putting a space after the artist and several options appear.

Zie dat je enkele concerten in Vooruit bijwoonde. Aangezien deze opgesplitst dienen te worden naar concertzaal, balzaal, theaterzaal... zou je deze kunnen aanpassen indien je het je nog herinnert?

Please use exact location or venue following the guidelines at https://www.setlist.fm/guidelines#festivalsHl

Please use exact location or venue for FĂȘtes de Wallonie following the guidelines at

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